Closed Bug 1214631 Opened 9 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Unsafe innerHTML/outerHTML/insertAdjacentHTML usage in gaia::shared


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Shared, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: freddy, Unassigned)



(Keywords: sec-want, wsec-xss)

Please see the hints in bug 1211384 about fixing these kinds of problems.
The Firefox OS Security team is there to help you with any kind of question that you may have. You can reach out by setting the needinfo or sec-review flag to fxos@security.bugs

Unsafe assignment to innerHTML:
In shared/elements/gaia-header/dist/gaia-header.js, line 168, column 5:
> props.template.innerHTML = output.template;
In shared/elements/gaia-header/dist/gaia-header.js, line 424, column 3:
> style.innerHTML = css.trim();
In shared/elements/gaia-header/dist/gaia-header.js, line 465, column 3:
> el.lightStyle.innerHTML = el.lightCss;
In shared/elements/gaia-theme/lib/gaia-theme-selector.js, line 12, column 3:
> this.createShadowRoot().innerHTML = template;
In shared/elements/gaia_grid/script.js, line 248, column 3:
> template.innerHTML = `<style scoped>
In shared/elements/gaia_sim_picker/script.js, line 23, column 5:
> shadow.innerHTML = template;
In shared/elements/gaia_textinput/script.js, line 63, column 3:
> template.innerHTML = `<style scoped>
In shared/js/component_utils.js, line 21, column 7:
> style.innerHTML = '@import url(' + url + ');';
In shared/js/contacts/search.js, line 196, column 7:
> textNode.innerHTML = doHighlight(Normalizer.unescapeHTML(text));
In shared/js/contacts/search.js, line 202, column 7:
> textNode.innerHTML = result.join('');
In shared/js/contacts/utilities/templates.js, line 219, column 7:
> newElem.innerHTML = ninner;
In shared/js/homescreens/confirm_dialog_helper.js, line 32, column 7:
> wrapper.innerHTML =
In shared/js/html_imports.js, line 27, column 9:
> elementRoot.innerHTML = content;
In shared/js/html_imports.js, line 39, column 13:
> el.innerHTML = elementTemplates[el.getAttribute('is')];
In shared/js/l10n.js, line 1969, column 9:
> translation.innerHTML = value;
In shared/js/l20n.js, line 122, column 11:
> tmpl.innerHTML = value;
In shared/js/lazy_loader.js, line 55, column 11:
> domNode.innerHTML = domNode.childNodes[i].nodeValue;
In shared/js/smart-screen/shared_utils.js, line 29, column 7:
> style.innerHTML = '@import url(' + url + ');';
In shared/js/template.js, line 160, column 9:
> template.innerHTML = this.toString();
In shared/js/utilities.js, line 145, column 5:
> span.innerHTML = span.innerHTML.replace(/\s/g, '&nbsp;');
In shared/test/unit/load_body_html_helper.js, line 38, column 3:
> document.body.innerHTML = bodyHTML[filename];
Summary: Unsafe innerHTML/outerHTML/insertAdjacentHTML usage in gaia::tv → Unsafe innerHTML/outerHTML/insertAdjacentHTML usage in gaia::shared
If I'm not mistaken, l20n.js and l10n.js cases are both sanitized internally by our library. NI'ing :stas to verify if we need to do anything here.
Flags: needinfo?(stas)
I will stop tracking the bugs and this bug is unassigned. Closing WONTFIX.
Closed: 7 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(stas)
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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