Closed Bug 1217475 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Provide OpenH264 v1.5 build


(Release Engineering :: Release Requests, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Callek, Assigned: Callek)



No description provided.
Assignee: nobody → bugspam.Callek
Status/Stuck-points: (all Opt) * Linux32 - Completed fine * Linux64 - Completed fine * Android-arm - Hit an issue with build process, as implemented by the mozharness script -- Needed TARGET specified for MAKE but we don't actually need it set as anything valid (only used for java stuff) -- Needed to set NDKROOT as well which the script doesn't use properly, I grabbed the ndk from our internal tooltool, manually [ version was (r10e-rc4 (64-bit)) ] -- Needed to set NDKLEVEL otherwise the build failed with a stdint error. I set this to NDKLEVEL=9 per snorp's recommendation, saying that was what we wanted for both arm and x86 * Android-x86 -- Same issues as above for Android-arm, except I also had to add ARCH=x86 to the makefile invoke * OSX-32 -- same issues as my first attempts, where I need to run svn manually first, so I can permanently accept the google code cert. -- used yasm instead of nasm * OSX-64 -- same as OSX above * win32 -- script uses gittool, for sources, which doesn't work on windows, so had to do it manually -- couldn't just skip "checkout sources" since we needed the supporting libs as well [gmp-api and gtest] -- upload failed due to rsync not working on windows, ran scp manually * win64 -- failing to link, sent maire and a few others an e-mail for advice, code details in for now. I also note for future, that the stage.m.o upload path, won't be sticking around, and "just happens" to still work for now, c.f. Bug 1213772 I have not yet attempted the signing of the win32 result.
I was able to get win64 linked last night. I signed both with authenticode (not a sha2 cert) and included the unsigned versions in the handoff. I handed off to Maire and Chris Atlee, who will then pass along to Cisco. I plan to get some of these scripts updated to make next pass slightly easier. Will reopen if this (v1.5-Firefox39) needs another pass.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Custom Release Requests → Release Requests
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