Closed Bug 1219301 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[Raptor] Consider enabling of javascript.options.discardSystemSource preference for the Raptor profile


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: azasypkin, Unassigned)



(Keywords: perf)


(1 file)

We've find out that "make raptor" disables "javascript.options.discardSystemSource" preference that per bug 990353 should have saved some memory.

This preference is enabled for both production and engineering PVT builds, so it's actually the thing user lives with and it would probably more precise to measure memory and cold launch with this preference enabled.

Let's measure!
ni? myself to run raptor with and without this pref for at least Messages app.
Flags: needinfo?(azasypkin)
Going this route we would need to remove DEVICE_DEBUG=1 from `make raptor` and replace any required preferences from it with what we specifically need. Here is the current preferences set through DEVICE_DEBUG:

dom.apps.developer_mode true true
dom.webcomponents.enabled true
devtools.debugger.prompt-connection false
devtools.debugger.forbid-certified-apps false
javascript.options.discardSystemSource false
b2g.adb.timeout 0

I feel like right now the only things we really may need are the adb timeout, web components, and developer mode, even though I have no idea what developer mode is.
So here are results:

make raptor -> make reference-workload-light -> wait until workload is fully propagated -> raptor test coldlaunch --app sms --runs 30

I made "make raptor" before base) and 3) only (same profile, just enabled pref).

Not sure how to explain _stable_ difference in visuallyLoaded with and without --memory-delay, but RSS looks better in all cases.

base) master, memory-delay 0
| Metric                | Mean     | Median   | Min    | Max    | StdDev  | 95% Bound |
| --------------------- | -------- | -------- | ------ | ------ | ------- | --------- |
| navigationLoaded      | 968.767  | 975.500  | 865    | 1061   | 49.952  | 986.642   |
| willRenderThreads     | 1017.733 | 1026.500 | 918    | 1119   | 50.512  | 1035.809  |
| navigationInteractive | 1020.667 | 1030     | 921    | 1122   | 50.348  | 1038.684  |
| visuallyLoaded        | 1324.700 | 1314     | 1197   | 1705   | 89.523  | 1356.735  |
| contentInteractive    | 1927.933 | 1906.500 | 1788   | 2427   | 114.624 | 1968.951  |
| objectsInitEnd        | 1962.133 | 1940     | 1820   | 2459   | 115.251 | 2003.375  |
| fullyLoaded           | 3563.200 | 3545.500 | 3336   | 3905   | 125.718 | 3608.188  |
| uss                   | 19.649   | 19.563   | 18.988 | 21.508 | 0.464   | 19.815    |
| pss                   | 24.125   | 24.037   | 23.453 | 25.971 | 0.464   | 24.291    |
| rss                   | 40.109   | 40.022   | 39.449 | 41.961 | 0.463   | 40.275    |

1) master, memory-delay 10000
| Metric                | Mean     | Median   | Min    | Max    | StdDev  | 95% Bound |
| --------------------- | -------- | -------- | ------ | ------ | ------- | --------- |
| navigationLoaded      | 1013.267 | 1003     | 922    | 1202   | 56.836  | 1033.605  |
| willRenderThreads     | 1065.067 | 1056     | 971    | 1253   | 58.344  | 1085.945  |
| navigationInteractive | 1068.467 | 1059.500 | 974    | 1256   | 58.811  | 1089.512  |
| visuallyLoaded        | 1366.367 | 1363.500 | 1274   | 1524   | 57.182  | 1386.829  |
| contentInteractive    | 1960.900 | 1958     | 1851   | 2127   | 65.373  | 1984.293  |
| objectsInitEnd        | 1997.300 | 1991.500 | 1885   | 2161   | 65.325  | 2020.676  |
| fullyLoaded           | 3622.900 | 3597     | 3440   | 3809   | 106.969 | 3661.178  |
| uss                   | 19.270   | 19.285   | 19.008 | 21.062 | 0.360   | 19.398    |
| pss                   | 23.501   | 23.517   | 23.232 | 25.317 | 0.363   | 23.631    |
| rss                   | 39.722   | 39.732   | 39.461 | 41.523 | 0.360   | 39.851    |

2) master + enabled javascript.options.discardSystemSource, memory-delay 0
| Metric                | Mean     | Median   | Min    | Max    | StdDev  | 95% Bound |
| --------------------- | -------- | -------- | ------ | ------ | ------- | --------- |
| navigationLoaded      | 929.367  | 933      | 834    | 979    | 35.795  | 942.176   |
| willRenderThreads     | 976.267  | 979.500  | 877    | 1029   | 37.382  | 989.644   |
| navigationInteractive | 979.133  | 985      | 880    | 1032   | 37.517  | 992.559   |
| visuallyLoaded        | 1273.633 | 1274.500 | 1159   | 1356   | 42.758  | 1288.934  |
| contentInteractive    | 1849.567 | 1860     | 1724   | 2015   | 56.230  | 1869.688  |
| objectsInitEnd        | 1884.367 | 1894     | 1756   | 2057   | 56.654  | 1904.640  |
| fullyLoaded           | 3465.800 | 3472.500 | 3295   | 3921   | 118.029 | 3508.036  |
| uss                   | 19.559   | 19.451   | 18.566 | 21.461 | 0.707   | 19.812    |
| pss                   | 23.974   | 23.866   | 22.974 | 25.863 | 0.708   | 24.227    |
| rss                   | 39.691   | 39.584   | 38.703 | 41.586 | 0.705   | 39.943    |

3) master + enabled javascript.options.discardSystemSource, memory-delay 10000
| Metric                | Mean     | Median   | Min    | Max    | StdDev | 95% Bound |
| --------------------- | -------- | -------- | ------ | ------ | ------ | --------- |
| navigationLoaded      | 952.967  | 962      | 835    | 1016   | 44.552 | 968.909   |
| willRenderThreads     | 1001.733 | 1009     | 880    | 1067   | 45.694 | 1018.085  |
| navigationInteractive | 1004.700 | 1012.500 | 883    | 1071   | 45.851 | 1021.108  |
| visuallyLoaded        | 1296.067 | 1303.500 | 1201   | 1364   | 45.460 | 1312.334  |
| contentInteractive    | 1867.467 | 1870     | 1771   | 1937   | 46.830 | 1884.225  |
| objectsInitEnd        | 1903.767 | 1904     | 1805   | 1969   | 47.557 | 1920.785  |
| fullyLoaded           | 3475     | 3467     | 3314   | 3654   | 83.234 | 3504.785  |
| uss                   | 18.873   | 18.901   | 18.656 | 19.629 | 0.207  | 18.947    |
| pss                   | 23.042   | 23.071   | 22.819 | 23.822 | 0.209  | 23.117    |
| rss                   | 39.003   | 39.028   | 38.789 | 39.770 | 0.207  | 39.077    |

Raptor compare for base-2-3-4     base: mean  1: mean  1: delta  1: p-value  2: mean  2: delta  2: p-value  3: mean  3: delta  3: p-value
---------------------  ----------  -------  --------  ----------  -------  --------  ----------  -------  --------  ----------
navigationLoaded              969     1013        45      * 0.00      929       -39      * 0.00      953       -16        0.21
willRenderThreads            1018     1065        47      * 0.00      976       -41      * 0.00     1002       -16        0.21
navigationInteractive        1021     1068        48      * 0.00      979       -42      * 0.00     1005       -16        0.21
visuallyLoaded               1325     1366        42      * 0.04     1274       -51      * 0.01     1296       -29        0.13
contentInteractive           1928     1961        33        0.18     1850       -78      * 0.00     1867       -60      * 0.01
objectsInitEnd               1962     1997        35        0.16     1884       -78      * 0.00     1904       -58      * 0.01
fullyLoaded                  3563     3623        60        0.06     3466       -97      * 0.00     3475       -88      * 0.00
pss                        24.125   23.501    -0.624      * 0.00   23.974    -0.151        0.34   23.042    -1.083      * 0.00
uss                        19.649   19.270    -0.380      * 0.00   19.559    -0.090        0.57   18.873    -0.776      * 0.00
rss                        40.109   39.722    -0.387      * 0.00   39.691    -0.418      * 0.01   39.003    -1.106      * 0.00
Flags: needinfo?(azasypkin)
Ugh, raptor compare table is too long :) And is not markdown compatible to paste a Gist link, so attaching metrics.ldjson.
Ugh, why memory delay still matters? I thought we are forcing GC before reading USS. That should make memory-delay not matter at all.
Just noticed that we didn't use DEVICE_DEBUG=1 for "make raptor" in v2.2 - so does that mean Raptor v2.2 baseline was created with discardSystemSource enabled, but master had this pref disabled?
No, the v2.2 baseline was built using [1] since the make command is outdated. See [2] for details.

(In reply to :Eli Perelman from comment #2)
> Going this route we would need to remove DEVICE_DEBUG=1 from `make raptor`
> and replace any required preferences from it with what we specifically need.
> Here is the current preferences set through DEVICE_DEBUG:
> dom.apps.developer_mode true
> true
> dom.webcomponents.enabled true
> devtools.debugger.prompt-connection false
> devtools.debugger.forbid-certified-apps false
> javascript.options.discardSystemSource false
> b2g.adb.timeout 0
> I feel like right now the only things we really may need are the adb
> timeout, web components, and developer mode, even though I have no idea what
> developer mode is.

I don't think we need the global "web components" permission, they're enabled for certified apps with the right permission already.
I don't think we need "developer mode" either, which is basically a "god mode" that disables some checks in Gecko.
Did this move forward somewhere else ?
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #9)
> Did this move forward somewhere else ?

Yep, please see bug 1219176 comment 9.
We enabled javascript.options.discardSystemSource preference in PR for bug bug 1219176.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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