Closed Bug 1219908 Opened 9 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[translate] Split search query into words, match objects containing each of them


(Webtools Graveyard :: Pontoon, defect, P3)



(firefox45 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox45 --- affected


(Reporter: mstanke, Assigned: vishalcr7, Mentored)



(1 file)

It would be nice to be able to search in all project the same style as Transvision provides for HG repositories, Firefox for iOS and - not only by percentage match, but matching all words by '... LIKE "%word1%" or LIKE "%word2%"' query.
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: Pontoon is missing single word terminology search → [terminology] Pontoon is missing single word terminology search
We need to figure out where in the UI we should put this and if we can combine it with the Machinery somehow. We should also make links from internal pontoon translation memory suggestions in machinery point to search like this. See bug 1215790.
Summary: [terminology] Pontoon is missing single word terminology search → [terminology] Split search query into words, match objects containing each of them
In pontoon, I have not found one more feature which is extremely to locate source string, target string and search by location, comments, exact match. It would be good to have that feature.
Summary: [terminology] Split search query into words, match objects containing each of them → [translate] Split search query into words, match objects containing each of them
Assignee: nobody → vishaliitr7
Mentor: ryan
I'd leave Machinery out of this for now, as it's moslty external services (+ TM), which search for the entire string and we cannot change that. For the search in the translate view, I'd default to 'full text search' by default and only search the entire string if keyword is put in quotes.
Commit pushed to master at Fix bug 1219908: Search word by word (#888) Change default search behaviour to search for each word separately and show results that contain all of them. That's closer to the default behaviour of search engines. Example: beta firefox Finds strings that contain "Firefox Beta". To search for exact matches of multiple words, you can wrap them in double quotes. If you wrap the entire string into double quotes, the search behaviour is the same as in the past. Example: Open "New Window" Finds string "Open in a New Window". If you want to search for strings that contain double quotes, you can escape them with \. Example: <a href="%(url)s"> Searches for `<a`, `href=`, `%(url)s` and `>`. Example: <a href=\"%(url)s\"> Searches for `<a` and `href="%(url)s">`.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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