Closed Bug 1222373 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Can't load keyworded bookmark url to ulrbar with unified complete enabled.


(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect)

43 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: dqeswn, Unassigned)


(Keywords: regression)

Previously I could load keyworded bookmarks' url to the urlbar. Just needed to press down. Sometimes it makes sense. For example since most of my keyworded bookmarks are searches sometimes I want to quickly change search parameters.

Now with this feature the bookmark search is pre-selected, but the url cannot be loaded. Pressing right/left like I would normally do to load the url and get back to the urlbar from the results doesn't work. I only get back what I typed.
Component: Untriaged → Places
Product: Core → Toolkit
could you please provide better steps to reproduce the bug, I have some difficulties understanding what you are trying to achieve. thank you.
For example (without unified complete): Press keyword than a search term for a keyworded search. You can press down and you get the url of the search loaded. Now you can change it to something else. Change a search parameter for example.

You can't do this with unified complete. At best you need to dig up the keyworded bookmark in the siber/library, which is not easy. Especially that the keyword column is now removed without a good reason.
Copy/paste it, then replace the %s part with you intended search term, and then edit the search parameters.
Keywords: regression
OS: Unspecified → All
Hardware: Unspecified → All
Component: Places → Location Bar
Product: Toolkit → Firefox
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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