Closed Bug 1222455 Opened 9 years ago Closed 5 years ago

crash in nsQueryInterfaceWithError::operator(). chunking message body?


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)

Windows NT
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: wsmwk, Unassigned)



(Keywords: crash, topcrash-thunderbird)

Crash Data

#15 crash for TB38.3.0. Similar for TB38.2.0. bp-d07a03d0-1f62-4796-ae5e-9ea792151105 (usa0159) 0 xul.dll nsQueryInterfaceWithError::operator()(nsID const&, void**) xpcom/glue/nsCOMPtr.cpp 1 xul.dll nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_qi_with_error(nsQueryInterfaceWithError const&, nsID const&) xpcom/glue/nsCOMPtr.cpp 2 xul.dll NS_GetWeakReference(nsISupports*, nsresult*) xpcom/glue/nsWeakReference.cpp 3 xul.dll nsMsgMailNewsUrl::SetMsgWindow(nsIMsgWindow*) c:/builds/moz2_slave/tb-rel-c-esr38-w32_bld-0000000/build/mailnews/base/util/nsMsgMailNewsUrl.cpp:187 4 xul.dll nsImapService::FetchMimePart(nsIURI*, char const*, nsISupports*, nsIMsgWindow*, nsIUrlListener*, nsIURI**) c:/builds/moz2_slave/tb-rel-c-esr38-w32_bld-0000000/build/mailnews/imap/src/nsImapService.cpp:398 5 xul.dll nsMessenger::SaveAttachment(nsIFile*, nsACString_internal const&, nsACString_internal const&, nsACString_internal const&, void*, nsIUrlListener*) c:/builds/moz2_slave/tb-rel-c-esr38-w32_bld-0000000/build/mailnews/base/src/nsMessenger.cpp:713 6 xul.dll nsSaveMsgListener::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest*, nsISupports*, nsresult) c:/builds/moz2_slave/tb-rel-c-esr38-w32_bld-0000000/build/mailnews/base/src/nsMessenger.cpp:1904 A few users have several crash signature - so perhaps antivirus is involved in some of these. For example the above user also crashed NS_GetWeakReference bp-2500c863-245f-43aa-b012-e06cc2151105 nsImapServerResponseParser::ParseIMAPServerResponse bp-6680f2db-90ce-4e17-b04f-368aa2151027 bug 610465 crash after chunking message body - which kent has some ideas about
#7 for version 45.2.0 In some cases (not all) users are quite loaded up with add-ons
Component: General → Networking: IMAP
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core
Summary: crash in nsQueryInterfaceWithError::operator() → crash in nsQueryInterfaceWithError::operator(). chunking message body?
#10 for 52.1.1. But currently roughly double the volume agasinst Janurary
Depends on: 1264302
Crash rate dropped by half end of August. About the time we turned up increased updates to version 52. currently ranks #26
With bug 1216951 fixed in version 60, this is ranked #50, so no longer a topcrash

And it's back up to #23

bp-24f91b01-dd52-456a-a350-1e41c0190129 Was downloadinkg some pictures in email - ~15-20mb total - and poof
0 xul.dll nsQueryInterfaceWithError::operator()(nsID const&, void**) xpcom/base/nsCOMPtr.cpp:27 context
1 xul.dll nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_qi_with_error(nsQueryInterfaceWithError const&, nsID const&) xpcom/base/nsCOMPtr.cpp:62 cfi
2 xul.dll NS_GetWeakReference(nsISupports*, nsresult*) xpcom/base/nsWeakReference.cpp:99 cfi
3 xul.dll nsMsgMailNewsUrl::SetMsgWindow(nsIMsgWindow*) comm/mailnews/base/util/nsMsgMailNewsUrl.cpp:255 cfi
4 xul.dll nsImapService::FetchMimePart(nsIURI*, char const*, nsISupports*, nsIMsgWindow*, nsIUrlListener*, nsIURI**) comm/mailnews/imap/src/nsImapService.cpp:400 cfi
5 xul.dll nsMessenger::SaveAttachment(nsIFile*, nsTSubstring<char> const&, nsTSubstring<char> const&, nsTSubstring<char> const&, void*, nsIUrlListener*) comm/mailnews/base/src/nsMessenger.cpp:729 cfi
6 xul.dll nsSaveMsgListener::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest*, nsISupports*, nsresult) comm/mailnews/base/src/nsMessenger.cpp:1902 cfi
7 xul.dll nsStreamConverter::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest*, nsISupports*, nsresult) comm/mailnews/mime/src/nsStreamConverter.cpp:1079 cfi
8 xul.dll mozilla::net::nsStreamListenerTee::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest*, nsISupports*, nsresult) netwerk/base/nsStreamListenerTee.cpp:52 cfi

bp-8165a3ff-8802-43b1-a676-cdd700181226 Crash while FiltaQuilla detaching attachments from 632MB mbox file
0 xul.dll nsQueryInterfaceWithError::operator()(nsID const&, void**) xpcom/base/nsCOMPtr.cpp:27 context
1 xul.dll nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_qi_with_error(nsQueryInterfaceWithError const&, nsID const&) xpcom/base/nsCOMPtr.cpp:62 cfi
2 xul.dll NS_GetWeakReference(nsISupports*, nsresult*) xpcom/base/nsWeakReference.cpp:99 cfi
3 xul.dll nsMsgMailNewsUrl::SetMsgWindow(nsIMsgWindow*) comm/mailnews/base/util/nsMsgMailNewsUrl.cpp:255 cfi
4 xul.dll nsMailboxService::FetchMimePart(nsIURI*, char const*, nsISupports*, nsIMsgWindow*, nsIUrlListener*, nsIURI**) comm/mailnews/local/src/nsMailboxService.cpp:261 cfi
5 xul.dll nsMessenger::SaveAttachment(nsIFile*, nsTSubstring<char> const&, nsTSubstring<char> const&, nsTSubstring<char> const&, void*, nsIUrlListener*) comm/mailnews/base/src/nsMessenger.cpp:729 cfi
6 xul.dll nsSaveMsgListener::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest*, nsISupports*, nsresult) comm/mailnews/base/src/nsMessenger.cpp:1902 cfi
7 xul.dll nsStreamConverter::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest*, nsISupports*, nsresult) comm/mailnews/mime/src/nsStreamConverter.cpp:1079 cfi
8 xul.dll nsMsgProtocol::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest*, nsISupports*, nsresult) comm/mailnews/base/util/nsMsgProtocol.cpp:389 cfi

bp-b6250573-d89f-4260-97fb-ac5910181230 user recieved "The server imap has disconnected"

See Also: → 628646

Still a solid crash in 60.x including 60.8.0 and 60.9.0, but nothing in 68.x. Same goes for beta and nightly - nothing for 6 months for versions newer than 60.x

Did we change anything for chunking, or something imap related in 68.x,?

Flags: needinfo?(gds)

Wayne, I don't think so. The last chunking change was this Bug 1494764. It appears to only be in beta at this time.

Flags: needinfo?(gds)

No crashes for this signature in version 68 and the crash rate of bug 628646 has increased slightly, so perhaps this has morphed to bug 628646's signature in version 68, and some other signature.

No conclusive information about what's resolved, new, etc, and really no useful information in this bug, so closing incomplete

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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