Closed Bug 1222987 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[meta] Join a room with only sharing and text enabled (desktop client)


(Hello (Loop) :: Client, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: RT, Unassigned)



User Story

As a desktop client user, I want to join rooms only with sharing enabled and text chat (no video or audio).

Acceptance criteria:
- When creating a new room, audio and face mute the user
- When joining an existing room, audio and face mute the user
- Unmuting the camera turns on both the mic and camera
- Unmuting the mic only turns on the mic
As a desktop client user, I want to join rooms only with sharing enabled and text chat (no video or audio). Comments: - Unknowns on tech feasibility,will require prototyping for monkeypatch - We want the SDK patch for sharing+text, we need an experiment to test monkeypatch on top of that. - You can do screen sharing + text today without any audio and video by putting the datachannel for text chat on the screen sharing publisher.You could then add voice + video later with a second publisher.
Depends on: 1222988, 1222989
Summary: Join rooms with only sharing and text enabled → Join a room with only sharing and text enabled
Rank: 55
Rank: 55 → 29
Priority: P5 → P2
User Story: (updated)
Summary: Join a room with only sharing and text enabled → Join a room with only sharing and text enabled (desktop client)
Summary: Join a room with only sharing and text enabled (desktop client) → [meta] Join a room with only sharing and text enabled (desktop client)
Whiteboard: [triage]
Rank: 29 → 35
Priority: P2 → P3
Whiteboard: [triage]
Support for Hello/Loop has been discontinued. Hence closing the old bugs. Thank you for your support.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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