Closed Bug 122424 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Printouts of blinking text not consistant


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jfarrell, Assigned: rods)




From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) BuildID: 20020114 While running the Printing tests, I noticed that the output text that blinks is sometimes printed and sometimes it's not. Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce: 1. follow the steps for: end/testcases/printing/charactertest.html and print off output for each test (about 9 diff pages) Actual Results: about 1/2 show the text that was blinking, the other 1/2 did not Expected Results: Blinking text should either be printed or not on a consistant basis. (I prefer to always print it) I saw this on both OpenVMS and Linux;
I don't even see text blinking on the web page....
The given link was for the test, not the web page. Since the problem happens about 50% of the time, I didn't want to give the link to just the web page because I was afraid that you may not reproduce the problem. I thought it better to give the link to the test I was running, and then have you re-run the complete test to see the problem. Hope this helps.
I cannot test this because currently in the browser, text does not even blink at I cannot test printing blink text. Petersen is gonna write up a bug report on the blink text problem.
Testing on current builds, blinking is not working (further investigating whether there is an open bug for this). However, even if it was, I assume that printing would either print text all the time or no text at all (when I investigate whether there is a bug on BLINK, I will then find out what the implementation should be for printing). As far as the testcase, I have contacted that QA department to revise it to eliminate printing 'blinking' text. Marking this bug invalid. I will file a bug on BLINK and or printing implementation if necessary after my investigation.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Reopened #89065 (blink not working).
Once blinking is fixed again, we can test printing to determine what it is doing.
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