Open Bug 1228381 Opened 9 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Scroll position of 0,0 is not properly sent during final flush


(Firefox :: Session Restore, defect)





(Reporter: mconley, Unassigned)



1) Open a tab that has some vertical scrollability, like my blog or something:
2) Scroll down about halfway down the page
3) Wait a few seconds for the new scroll position to be synchronized to SessionStore
4) Quickly scroll to the top of the page, and then immediately close the tab
5) Go to History > Recently Closed Tabs and restore the tab you just closed
6) Wait for the page to load and note your scroll position


The scroll position should be at the top of the page


The scroll position will probably be at the halfway mark down the page

For some reason, we either don't properly send, receive or record the final scroll position if it's at 0,0. We seem to record it properly if the scroll position is elsewhere on the page.
Severity: normal → S3
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