Closed Bug 123431 Opened 23 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Unable to set mouse focus on mail body after error dialogs are dismissed


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ji, Assigned: sspitzer)



(Keywords: regression)

After cancel charset warning dialog window, I'm unable to set mouse focus to
mail body pane of the mail compose window if the mail I'm composing is a plain
text mail.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a New Mail window, make sure the charset point to ISO-8859-1.
2. Enter some chars not in the specified charset, like Japanese, into subject.
3. Click on Send, a charset warning dialog comes up, click on Cancel, it still
tries to send, but the sending fails (bug 123481). Dismiss the  error msg
window. Go back to the mail compose window, observe that the mouse focus can't
be set to mail body pane.

1. It doesn't happen to a HTML mail compose window. After dismissing the error
msg and going back to the mail compose window, mouse focus can be set to mail
body compose pane if the mail compose window is a HTML one.
2. It doesn't happen when I invoke other dialog windows and come back to the
mail compose window. For example. invoke spell checker, close it and go back to
the mail compose window. Or select File | Save as | File, close it and go back
to the mail compose window.
Summary: Plain text mail: unable to set mouse focus on mail body after cancel charset warning dialog → Plain text mail compose window: unable to set mouse focus on mail body after cancel charset warning dialog
It's a regression.
Keywords: intl, regression
I can reproduce the problem on 01/11 build, but not on 01/09 build.
IQA, could you test with other kind of alert? This might not be specific to the
charset alert.
I can reproduce the problem by sending out mails with empty recipient fields as
1. Open a plain text mail compose window.
2. Enter something in subject, leave recipient fields as empty.
3. Click on Send, get an error message saying the sending of messages failed...
4. Dismiss the error message by clicking on OK. The focus doesn't go back to the
compose window (another bug?). From now on, I'm unable to set mouse focus to
mail body pane on the compose window.
Assignee: nhotta → ducarroz
Component: Internationalization → Composition
Keywords: intl
QA Contact: ji → sheelar
Summary: Plain text mail compose window: unable to set mouse focus on mail body after cancel charset warning dialog → Plain text mail compose window: unable to set mouse focus on mail body after error dialogs are dismissed
QA Contact: sheelar → esther
With 02/12 build, I saw this problem with a HTML compose window too.
Summary: Plain text mail compose window: unable to set mouse focus on mail body after error dialogs are dismissed → Unable to set mouse focus on mail body after error dialogs are dismissed
Assignee: ducarroz → varada
Blocks: 154188
taking all of varada's bugs.
Assignee: varada → sspitzer
Product: MailNews → Core
This doesn't happen with current builds and probably hasn't in years.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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