Closed Bug 1236081 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

3 layout/reftest/bugs/ tests are failing while running in our linux64 docker container


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox46 --- fixed


(Reporter: jmaher, Assigned: jmaher)




(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

we are working on updating our linux unittests to run inside docker containers. This requires us to bring up a new OS configuration and there are tests which fail.  This bug is about 3 tests which fail consistently in the bugs directory:

these actually all fail for me locally on my linux64 instance I use for my daily workstation and development environment.  In addition these do fail in automation:

Of course there could be something at the core OS that we could tweak to make this work.  Knowing that I have had my installation for 2 years and can do everything I need, I doubt my linux installation is lacking- possibly we should consider fixing the tests.

These were easy to reproduce, and in a few other bugs we have done fixes by adding |font-size: 300px| to the body or one of the main elements.  This same style of fixing appears to work here and allows for tests to pass locally as well as in taskcluster.
this patch does the simple thing- I am not sure if this is the right solution- it is a hack from a guy that doesn't know much about what these specific tests are doing.
Assignee: nobody → jmaher
Attachment #8703187 - Flags: review?(jfkthame)
Comment on attachment 8703187 [details] [diff] [review]
add font-size: 300 to fix a few tests in the bugs/ directory

Review of attachment 8703187 [details] [diff] [review]:

::: layout/reftests/bugs/482592-1-ref.html
@@ +1,3 @@
>  <!DOCTYPE html>
>  <html>
> +  <body style="font-size: 300px">

See bug 1236076 comment 2. In this case, because there's so little text, 300px could actually work; the two glyphs still fit within the window. But I'd still be much happier with a more moderate size, as getting into a 300px habit is liable to lead to problems when there's a more significant amount of test content.

In the previous bug where we did something like this, I believe I proposed "font-size: 300%" to enlarge the text of a testcase. Note "%", not "px"! That would equate to 48px, based on the default of 16px, and in general I'd expect it to be sufficient to avoid touching-glyph-antialiasing fuzz issues.

So please try something like that, and see if we can avoid such a huge font size.

::: layout/reftests/bugs/621918-1.svg
@@ +2,5 @@
>     xmlns=""
>     xmlns:xlink=""
>     height="800px"
>     width="800px">
> +  <text style="font-size:100px;" transform="translate(40,100)">

Bumping the size to 100px here makes the two text strings almost touch each other -- depending on the system fonts, they might actually overlap, which could easily introduce new problems on some future configuration.

Would doubling the original 24px to 48px be enough to avoid the current issue?
I get too eager- thanks for the reality check.  Going with 300% and 48px did the trick.  the good benefit here is that someday after fixing a bunch of these I will be able to run the reftests locally :)
Attachment #8703187 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8703187 - Flags: review?(jfkthame)
Attachment #8703615 - Flags: review?(jfkthame)
Comment on attachment 8703615 [details] [diff] [review]
add font-size:300% to the body to reduce fuzzy painting

Review of attachment 8703615 [details] [diff] [review]:

OK, these tweaks look innocuous enough and should improve the odds of avoiding touching-subpixel-AA issues, so let's do it.
Attachment #8703615 - Flags: review?(jfkthame) → review+
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla46
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
Component: Layout: Misc Code → Layout
Product: Core Graveyard → Core
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