Bug 123743
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 22 years ago
Need .Net/VC++ 7.0 version of libidl and glib
(Core :: XPCOM, defect)
(Reporter: David.R.Gardiner, Assigned: dbradley)
(5 files)
278.50 KB,
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277.29 KB,
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903 bytes,
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1.67 KB,
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3.24 KB,
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Building mozilla on Windows XP Pro, with Visual Studio.NET (VC++7.0)
The build progresses to this bit:
make[4]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/d/mozilla_src/mozilla/xpcom/glue'
d:/mozilla_src/tools/bin/nsinstall -m 644 nsCOMPtr.h
nsMemory.h ../../dist/inclu
perl -I../../config ../../config/build- ../../dist/include/xpcom/.headerl
ist nsCOMPtr.h nsMemory.h
make[4]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/d/mozilla_src/mozilla/xpcom/glue'
make[4]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/d/mozilla_src/mozilla/xpcom/base'
d:/mozilla_src/tools/bin/nsinstall -m 644 nsAgg.h nsIAllocator.h nsCom.h
solete.h nsCWeakReference.h nsDebug.h nsError.h nsID.h nsIID.h nsIPtr.h
rtsBase.h nsISupportsImpl.h nsISupportsUtils.h nsISupportsObsolete.h
renceUtils.h nsTraceRefcnt.h nsWeakReference.h nsWeakPtr.h nscore.h
RequestorUtils.h pure.h ../../dist/include/xpcom
perl -I../../config ../../config/build- ../../dist/include/xpcom/.headerl
ist nsAgg.h nsIAllocator.h nsCom.h nsComObsolete.h nsCWeakReference.h nsDebug.h
nsError.h nsID.h nsIID.h nsIPtr.h nsISupportsBase.h nsISupportsImpl.h
sUtils.h nsISupportsObsolete.h nsIWeakReferenceUtils.h nsTraceRefcnt.h
erence.h nsWeakPtr.h nscore.h nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h pure.h
d:/mozilla_src/tools/bin/nsinstall -m 644 nsrootidl.idl nsISupports.idl
y.idl nsIErrorService.idl nsIInterfaceRequestor.idl nsIWeakReference.idl
oleService.idl nsIConsoleMessage.idl nsIConsoleListener.idl nsIException.idl
ExceptionService.idl nsIProgrammingLanguage.idl ../../dist/idl
../../dist/bin/xpidl.exe -m header -w -I ../../dist/idl -I. -o
orts nsISupports.idl
Which causes the error:
Unhandled exception at 0x77f51c96 in xpidl.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation
writing location 0x00000010.
Call stack:
> xpidl.exe!xpidl_write_comment(TreeState * state=0x0012fee4, int
indent=2) Line 87 + 0x1b C
xpidl.exe!op_dcl(TreeState * state=0x0012fee4) Line 1100 + 0xb C
xpidl.exe!xpidl_process_node(TreeState * state=0x0012fee4) Line 64 +
0x7 C
xpidl.exe!list(TreeState * state=0x0012fee4) Line 617 + 0x9 C
xpidl.exe!xpidl_process_node(TreeState * state=0x0012fee4) Line 64 +
0x7 C
xpidl.exe!interface(TreeState * state=0x0012fee4) Line 263 + 0x12
xpidl.exe!xpidl_process_node(TreeState * state=0x0012fee4) Line 64 +
0x7 C
xpidl.exe!list(TreeState * state=0x0012fee4) Line 617 + 0x9 C
xpidl.exe!xpidl_process_node(TreeState * state=0x0012fee4) Line 64 +
0x7 C
xpidl.exe!xpidl_process_idl(char * filename=0x003a2cca,
IncludePathEntry * include_path=0x003a2ce8, char * file_basename=0x003a2cb4,
ModeData * mode=0x004154a8) Line 772 + 0x9 C
xpidl.exe!main(int argc=10, char * * argv=0x003a2c38) Line 214 + 0x1b
xpidl.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 400 + 0xe C
Like 87 is the IDL_tree_to_IDL function call:
xpidl_write_comment(TreeState *state, int indent)
fprintf(state->file, "%*s/* ", indent, "");
IDL_tree_to_IDL(state->tree, state->ns, state->file,
fputs(" */\n", state->file);
I've had a go at trying to build a libIDL with symbols, but it isn't the
easiest thing in the world to do on a Windows box.
Assignee | ||
Comment 1•23 years ago
*** Bug 123754 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•23 years ago
I suspect the prebuilt libidl/glib that is available isn't compatible with the
new VC++ 7.0. Short of building a new libidl you might hunt around for any
compiler/linker options that might provide backward compatibility with old lib's.
If you rebuild libidl and glib with 7.0, post the results please.
Reporter | ||
Comment 3•23 years ago
Out of interest, i thought i'd try and compile glib1.3.13 and libIDL0.7
i managed to get the DLL's, but i'm not having any luck convincing Mozilla to
use these DLL's.
I think it is something to do with the autoconf stuff - i've tried to hardcode
in the new version, but for some reason it keeps coming back and says it is
going to use the old ones.
i'll keep playing
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•23 years ago
I believe they have to be in %MOZ_TOOLS%\lib Once you've built them, rename the
old ones and then copy them there.
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•23 years ago
Marking invalid. If the reporter still encounters problems feel free to reopen this.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Reporter | ||
Comment 7•23 years ago
Ok.. beats me how you are supposed to tell the Mozilla build system to use a
different version of libIDL and glib :-(
So, as a last resort, i renamed libglib-1.3-13.dll to libglib-1.2.dll and
libIDL-0.7.dll to libIDL-0.6.dll.
Yes, it is a nasty hack, but it fooled the thing into working.
I'll attach a zip of all the dll's I built that need to go into the
MOZ_TOOLS\bin directory.
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•23 years ago
It looks like it searches and finds a libidl library. The minimum version is
defined as 0.6.3. glib's minimum version 1.2.0. So as long as you compile the
libraries and put them in the %MOZ_TOOLS%\bin|lib directories. You'll probably
need to remove the old ones in order for it pick them up. I'm not a build guru,
and couldn't tell if autoconf picked up the first one it found or the newest one.
Looks like is
the key. Line 46 seems to indicate it's locked into using 0.6.3-0.6.7 and the
hack would have to be removed in order to use other versions.
Reporter | ||
Comment 9•23 years ago
You also need iconv.dll and libintl-1.dll which are separate.
Reporter | ||
Comment 10•23 years ago
Reporter | ||
Comment 11•23 years ago
You also need to copy iconv.dll and libintl-1.dll into MOZ_TOOLS\bin.
Precompiled versions of these can be found at
If i get a chance, i'll try and compile optimised versions of the other DLLs I
attached, but at least those ones get you started.
Comment 12•23 years ago
Dup of bug 88437?
Assignee | ||
Comment 13•23 years ago
This is not really a dupe of bug 88437. In bug 88437, the problem was the
existing of .Net on the system. They weren't actually trying to build with the
.Net compiler/linker.
We have a general problem, whether it be .Net or GCC 3.x or any other compiler,
in that the libidl and glib libraries need to be built on that platform.
I'm downgrading this for now, as building with VC++ 7.0 aka .Net isn't a
priority currently. Feel free to disagree and reset severity/milestone.
Changing summary from xpidl.exe crashes with access violation (0xC0000005) to
reflect the real issue
Want to thank David Gardiner for doing the work to create the binaries, I'm sure
others will find them useful.
David G., were you able to build after getting those built? I have a sneaking
suspicion that XPTCall stuff may need to be adjusted, hard to say.
Severity: critical → normal
Summary: xpidl.exe crashes with access violation (0xC0000005) → Need .Net/VC++ 7.0 version of libidl and glib
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Reporter | ||
Comment 14•23 years ago
Yes, everything builds fine..
Once i got those libraries working, i've been pulling and building from the
trunk every few days with success.
Assignee | ||
Comment 15•23 years ago
Adding seawood for some build input on this issue.
Comment 16•23 years ago
If we are going to actually start support building with VC7 then as the "vendor"
of the binary libIDL & dll package, we'll need to make a VC7-compatible package
available. Wrt the configure tests, yes, we are hardcoded to use the glib 1.2.x
& libIDL 0.6.x apis. I'm surprised that jumping to glib 1.3 & libIDL 0.7 worked
at all. I would recommend sticking with the current sources that we are using
rather than bumping the rev as we bump the compiler.
Comment 17•22 years ago
*** Bug 88437 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 18•22 years ago
Comment 19•22 years ago
Comment 20•22 years ago
Comment 21•22 years ago
VC7 built zips of glib 1.2.10 & libIDL 0.6.8 have been uploaded to the ftpsite.
Closed: 23 years ago → 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla1.2final
Comment 23•19 years ago
Note: for building, I have added some code to autobuild these
libraries from source. It seems like the glib library doesn't actually need
pthreads for what its used for here, so I hacked it out.
I also wonder whether its really neccessary to have these binaries, it would be
nicer to compile from source ;-)
Assignee | ||
Comment 24•19 years ago
I believe there were licensing issues and that's why we build against the
binaries and do not use the source.
Comment 25•19 years ago
libIDL is LGPL, glib is LGPL.
pthreads-win32 is LGPL, but is not actually needed for building mozilla
from the actual build tools zip, make is GPL.
uname, shmsdos and nsinstall don't seem to have any license or copyirght
information at all - these are fairly small simple tools and could be replaced
if neccessary:
$ wc -l uname/*.c shmsdos/*.c
155 uname/uname.c
697 shmsdos/nsinstall.c
2573 shmsdos/shmsdos.c
I could open a separate issue if neccessary...
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