Open Bug 1239829 Opened 9 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Blank update popup window after notebook screen is turned back on


(Core :: Graphics, defect, P3)

Windows 7



Tracking Status
firefox46 --- affected


(Reporter: guijoselito, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [gfx-noted])


(1 file)

Attached image screenshot
STR: 1 - install yesterday's Nightly build 2 - set "Check for updates, but let me choose whether to install them" on about:preferences#advanced 3 - turn off the notebook screen 4 - give some time so that Nightly search for an update AR: the popup window telling you that there's a newer build will be blank, as seen in the attachment ER: normal window This is a very old bug, no idea when it started. from about:support Adapter Description Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 Adapter Drivers igdumd64 igd10umd64 igd10umd64 igdumd32 igd10umd32 igd10umd32 Adapter RAM Unknown Asynchronous Pan/Zoom none Device ID 0x0116 Direct2D Enabled true DirectWrite Enabled true (6.2.9200.17568) Driver Date 5-26-2015 Driver Version GPU #2 Active false GPU Accelerated Windows 1/1 Direct3D 11 (OMTC) Subsys ID 00000000 Supports Hardware H264 Decoding Yes Vendor ID 0x8086 WebGL Renderer Google Inc. -- ANGLE (Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 Direct3D11 vs_4_1 ps_4_1) windowLayerManagerRemote true AzureCanvasBackend direct2d 1.1 AzureContentBackend direct2d 1.1 AzureFallbackCanvasBackend cairo AzureSkiaAccelerated 0
What kind of system is this, what OS?
It's a notebook with Windows 7, no dual GPU, only a Intel HD3000. I'm not sure if resizing fix it, but I'll try the next time. I know that hovering over the link for more information on the bottom left corner, make it appear.
I think I am also experiencing this bug but on a different hardware: a desktop with Win 8.1, i7 2600k CPU with Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti - when leaving Nightly running for a long time and not updating it, the popup/window of the upgrading is blank when brought to view from the task bar.
Jeff, is the popup window using the same compositor type as the rest, or are we in basic layer manager at that point?
Flags: needinfo?(jmuizelaar)
It seems bug 1237617 fixed this issue.
Sorry for the noise, I just got this again, so not fixed.
Severity: normal → S3
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