Bug 1239890
Opened 9 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
WebAudio does not play in some cases in Firefox 43+
(Core :: Web Audio, defect, P1)
of bug 1218593
(Reporter: sweetpea-bugzilla, Unassigned)
(Keywords: testcase)
(2 files, 1 obsolete file)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0
Build ID: 20160105164030
Steps to reproduce:
1. Initialize an AudioContext
2. Decode an ogg file using context.decodeAudioData() and store the buffer
3. Create an AudioBufferSourceNode using the decoded buffer
4. Connect the AudioBufferSourceNode to the AudioContext's destination
6. Play the sound (sound.start(0)). No audio can be heard some portion of the times
7. Open the web developer tools and add a breakpoint anywhere in the code. Audio starts playing.
Actual results:
Sometimes audio doesn't play. The speaker icon appears in the tab, and the Web Audio Context Visualizer shows the source node connected to the destination, but no sound can be heard. onended callbacks function as expected (they're called after the correct interval, as if the sound had played).
But, clicking in the debugger (adding a breakpoint) causes audio to start playing. Clicking more times toggles output.
This happens on OS X and Windows, and started with Firefox 43. 44 beta also has the problem.
Expected results:
Audio should play, once.
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Comment 1•9 years ago
I succeeded one time in reproduing it, but not more.
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Comment 4•9 years ago
Some corrections:
- The speaker icon does not necessarily appear when audio does not play
- onended events do not fire until the audio plays and finishes.
This is the behavior in the test case, but not in the application that originally had the problem.
Updated•9 years ago
Attachment #8708155 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Updated•9 years ago
OS: Unspecified → Mac OS X
Hardware: Unspecified → x86
Comment 5•9 years ago
Karl, Paul -- Loic was able to reproduce this once. Are either of you able to reproduce? Any idea what's going on? (I've given this a P1, Rank:15 until we know what's going on and how it's affecting users.)
Rank: 15
Ever confirmed: true
Flags: needinfo?(padenot)
Flags: needinfo?(karlt)
Priority: -- → P1
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Comment 6•9 years ago
The bug doesn't show up much of the time in the test case, but reloading many (6-8?) times quickly (especially with the developer tools window open) can trigger it.
The bug shows up 100% of the time in the application we've developed, but unfortunately, it's not publicly available. This is the simplest test case that triggers it at all.
Comment 7•9 years ago
I'm not reproducing on Linux with 44.0b8 or 45.0b5.
This may be bug 1218593.
Flags: needinfo?(karlt)
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Reporter | ||
Comment 8•9 years ago
I am able to reproduce the bug in 44.0b8, but it appears to be fixed in 45.0b5 (and 45.0 release).
Comment 9•9 years ago
Thanks, Kevin. I think this was probably the same cause as bug 1218593.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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