Closed Bug 1240285 Opened 9 years ago Closed 5 years ago

<label> element with tabindex attribute should become focused when element.focus() is called on it (and not forward focus to its control element)


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox76 --- fixed


(Reporter: mail, Assigned: david.malcom.graham, Mentored)




(4 keywords)


(3 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0 Build ID: 20160105164030 Steps to reproduce: 1. create HTML fragment: <label tabindex="0" for="target"><input id="target"> 2. click on the label and see focus is forwarded to the input 3. click on the document, then press the tab key and see that the label itself is focused test case:,css,output Actual results: the label element got focus Expected results: the label should not have gotten focus, because it shouldn't have been part of the document's sequential navigation focus order.
Has STR: --- → yes
Component: Untriaged → Keyboard: Navigation
Keywords: testcase
Product: Firefox → Core
I don't see any support for your expected results in the spec. There is no exception for label elements there AFAICT. Please point it out if I missed it. Chrome and IE11 behaves the same way as Firefox, so I don't think we should change this unless there is first a HTML spec change that describes the suggested new behavior for label elements.
The specification does not mention this particular case. Chrome does not add the label to the tabbing sequence, but it seems IE11 and Edge 12 do. I opened the issue believing Firefox was the only browser exhibiting this behavior - I was wrong, so this issue should probably be closed, sorry.
Ah, now I see why the IE11 thing escaped me. For the record, IE11 does not forward focus to the referenced input element, if the label is made focusable via adding a tabindex. This is not the case in Firefox. Click and script focus forward focus to the input element, while keyboard focus shifts focus to the label element itself. In Chrome the label element does not become keyboard focusable. I think that Firefox should align the behavior of script-, click- and keyboard-focus.
Attached file Testcase #2
I get the same results in Firefox, Chrome and IE11 when: 1. tabbing to the label - the focus stays on the <label> element 2. clicking on "Label:" - first the <label> is focused (on mousedown) then the <input> is focused (on mouseup) I get different results when: 3. focusing the <label> via script: document.querySelector('label').focus()) (click the "label.focus()" button) In Firefox: the <input> is focused. In IE11 and Chrome the <label> is focused.
The relevant spec sections for focus(): and the section on <label>: I don't see anything there that makes an exception for <label> when it is an /focusable area/ (e.g. when it has tabindex="0") so I think Chrome and IE11 is correct for case 3 above. So that seems like a bug in Firefox.
Component: Keyboard: Navigation → DOM: Core & HTML
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Unspecified → All
Hardware: Unspecified → All
Summary: label element with tabindex attribute is keyboard focusable → <label> element with tabindex attribute should become focused when element.focus() is called on it (and not forward focus to its control element)
Version: 43 Branch → unspecified
Not sure if it was about this case where the spec was buggy when dealing with focus and <label>. Better to check if there is related spec bug.
Here's another (even simpler) test case. The label gets focus on Chrome and IE. But doesn't in FF. The reason I found this bug was because I had a custom styled checkbox where the <input> element is made transparent and the label gets some custom checkbox styling. AFAIK this is a very common approach to applying a custom style to radio and checkbox inputs. Unfortunately my accessibility behaviour is broken in FF because I can't focus the label when I need to (eg. on error etc).
Priority: -- → P3
Just want to add a note to say that we ran into this problem recently at GitHub. On repository creation page:, the repository owner dropdown menu uses `label[tabindex=0]` + `.focus()` to provide keyboard navigation support with ArrowUp and ArrowDown. This works in IE11/Edge/Chrome/Safari, but sadly not in Firefox.
See Also: → 1468049

Anne, do you know if <label> + focus is something valid in spec or is there any spec bug around this? Please see comment #5 and comment #6, Thanks.

Flags: needinfo?(annevk)

I can't find a related specification bug and per the specification label only "transfers" focus when activated (i.e., its activation behavior; click) so I think Mats is correct about the bug mentioned in comment 5.

It does seem to me that the label should be part of the tabbing order and as far as I can tell it is in both Chrome and Firefox (on macOS), so comment 0 does not seem like a bug to me.

Flags: needinfo?(annevk)

Any chance for this to be fixed now that is confirmed a bug?

We have been receiving more reports about this, and there is no real workaround other than to not use <label>, which is unideal as it means we will have to refactor uses of label related APIs like the input.label association, and mimic the activation behavior with other elements.

Please let me know if there's anything we can do to help. Thanks.

It looks like Gecko always redirect the focus because it implements HTMLLabelElement::Focus() and overloads the base class.

It's doesn't seems that the native click handling would call this method to "redirect" the focus? Should this method simply be removed since programmatically focus shouldn't be redirected?

Talked to :edgar offline and he can mentor this bug. I've given muan some pointers for information on setting up the dev environment.

Mentor: echen

(In reply to Tim Guan-tin Chien [:timdream] (please needinfo) from comment #14)

It's doesn't seem that the native click handling would call this method to "redirect" the focus?

No, the native click handling would not call HTMLLabelElement::Focus() to redirect focus, it is handled in

Should this method simply be removed since programmatically focus shouldn't be redirected?

Yes, it seems the overloaded method could be removed.

Focus should remain on the label rather than forwarded to the labeled

Co-Authored-By: Mu-An Chiou <>

Assignee: nobody → david.malcom.graham
Attached file Testcase #3
Component: DOM: Core & HTML → DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling
Attachment #9134762 - Attachment description: Bug 1240285 - Remove label focus overload. r=edgar → Bug 1240285 - Forward focus only if label is not focusable r=edgar
Pushed by Forward focus only if label is not focusable r=edgar
Created web-platform-tests PR for changes under testing/web-platform/tests
Upstream web-platform-tests status checks passed, PR will merge once commit reaches central.
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla76
Upstream PR merged by moz-wptsync-bot
See Also: 1468049
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