Closed Bug 1243408 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Autophone - update test manifests to better utilize new devices and improve test coverage.


(Testing Graveyard :: Autophone, defect)

Not set


(firefox47 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox47 --- affected


(Reporter: bc, Assigned: bc)




(5 files)

With the addition of new devices and the improvements in job completion times in Autophone, it is time to better allocate our devices across tests and branches.
with 2min/tpn, 2min/tsvg, 2?min/install we are looking at 6min/build and a max of 240 builds per day. We can handle that on one device I think. A recent bread down of builds I did was: 2016-01-26 fx-team 16 mozilla-aurora 2 mozilla-beta 4 mozilla-central 3 mozilla-inbound 101 b2g-inbound 2 --- 128 jmaher, I'll do a quick patch to turn on talos for mozilla-inbound and fx-team for nexus-6p-1.
Blocks: 1245290
Attachment #8715864 - Flags: review?(jmaher)
Attachment #8715864 - Flags: review?(jmaher) → review+
adding nexus-6p-2 to the talos testing and cleaning up the manifests related to nexus-6p devices.
I am going to temporarily shut autophone down to run a simple test with s1s2 remote tests on all devices to get a picture of their network connectivity before assigning tests to specific devices. ETA should be well less than an hour. lacking nexus-6p-2 and nexus-s-10 due to device disconnections. Overall, looks better than I thought it would. The nexus-6p-1 device did not appear to have any issues with the remote tests. Perhaps there is some other reason for the apparent disconnections. Either way, it appears there is no restriction on assigning devices to remote s1s2 tests as far as this limited test can tell. The servers are back to their normal test manifests.
Attached file
ad hoc script I used to compute the test coverage and device loads. Not meant to be production quality.
Attached file before-coverage.txt
Coverage of existing test manifests.
Attached file after-coverage.txt
The report has 3 sections. 1. repo by test by devices. This section is useful in seeing if a repo has sufficient coverage from the various classes of device. 2. devices by test by repo. This section also shows the estimated time each device has been commited per day. This is based on an average number of builds per day per repo except in the case of mozilla-inbound where the value is a close to the maximum seen since Sept 2015. 3. test by repo by device While we have many more devices available now than we did with the mac mini, we are still limited by the large number of potential mozilla-inbound builds per day and: a) we only have 2 nexus 6 and 2 nexus 9 devices. b) nexus s devices currently take far too long to execute due to the lack of a native recursive chmod. I hope to have a solution for this later. Of course, killing off Android 2.3 will kill off the need for the nexus s devices. Note that I have dropped b2g-inbound. I believe this set of manifests achieves a much better distribution of devices over the possible tests and repos. When we get the remainder of the nexus 6p devices installed, we will be able to increase their coverage for non-talos tests. PS. Note that I have limited production running of mochitest-dom-media to nexus s due to its lack of failures and time outs. mochitest-dom-media is available via try commit messages like: try: -b o -p android-api-9,android-api-15 -u autophone-mochitest-dom-media -t none note it appears -t none is required. deployed autophone-1 2016-02-12 22:24 autophone-2 2016-02-12 22:28 autophone-3 2016-02-12 22:28
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Testing → Testing Graveyard
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