Closed Bug 1246210 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Upgrade to docker 1.10.0


(Taskcluster :: Workers, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dustin, Assigned: garndt)



Specifically for the desktop-test systems, which need a bigger /dev/shm. Greg, are there issues you already know about that we'll need to address beyond changing "1.6.1" to "1.10.0" in the packer script?
Flags: needinfo?(garndt)
Blocks: 1245243
I'm not aware of anything that would block us from moving to docker 1.10. Here is a PR where I was testing it out. I need to do some work to find out why it' failing in the worker ci image, but deploying this to a worker type (garndt-test) showed at least some initial tests were ok. I ran a 1000 tasks and they all completed successfully (although the tasks themselves are not really doing anything).
Flags: needinfo?(garndt)
Here are some amis I used to test this out at least on an HVM instance: --> pv-builder: AMIs were created: us-east-1: ami-4b577c21 us-west-1: ami-3aa7d15a us-west-2: ami-042ecf64 --> hvm-builder: AMIs were created: us-east-1: ami-2b557e41 us-west-1: ami-4bb9cf2b us-west-2: ami-112dcc71 Here is a task that executed:
What is left in here? If it sticks, are we good?
sheriffs: FYI we upgraded to docker 1.10.0 for TC Linux64 debug test jobs. That's why we had a lot of purple and blue jobs about two hours ago. We have cleared through those [1]. Let us know if you discover something weird. [1]
The first hurdle will be getting green firefox test jobs with docker-1.10.0, yes. Then we'll push out to try to upgrade other workerTypes -- firefox build, and b2g.
I'm deploying this image to the build workerTypes now: android-api-* dbg-linux* opt-linux* dbg-macosx64 opt-macosx64
(not restarting all of the existing instances though)
Greg -- we've seen no ill effects from this upgrade on the workerTypes in comment 6, nor on the desktop-test* workers. Should we ship it out to the rest of the workerTypes?
Flags: needinfo?(garndt)
I would like to get CI working again with 1.10 as well as use 1.10.1 that is now out before rolling out further. I can take over this bug and hopefully get time to work on 1.10.1 soon.
Flags: needinfo?(garndt)
Assignee: dustin → garndt
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Docker-Worker → Workers
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