Closed Bug 1247560 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Don't expose 'luminance' and 'auto' as supported values for 'mask-mode' until they are implemented


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox47 --- affected


(Reporter: sebo, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Bug 686281 introduced support for the 'mask-mode' CSS property. Though its values 'luminance' and 'auto' are currently not implemented yet. See bug 1228354. As long as bug 1228354 is not fixed, those values should not be exposed to the web. Sebastian
Blocks: mask-image
Hi Sebastian, In bug 1243734, we will have a preference, mask-as-shorthand, to turn on and off image longhand properties, which includes mask-mode. And this preference is set as "false"(turning off) by default. Turning off mask-as-shorthand: Only "mask" is supported as a longhand property as before. mask-mode support is removed. Turning on mask-as-shorthand: Support all mask shorthand and longhand properties. mask-mode support is on. Bug 1228354 should be landed before turning on "mask-as-shorthand" preference by default. In that case , do you still need to do anything here?
Flags: needinfo?(sebastianzartner)
If I understand you correctly, the keywords 'luminance' and 'auto' will still be exposed for 'mask-mode' (and 'mask') when the mask-as-shorthand preference is turned on manually. That would still be wrong (as they are not implemented yet), though I think it would be acceptable if it really only happens when that preference is set to true and bug 1228354 lands before it is turned on by default. Sebastian
Flags: needinfo?(sebastianzartner)
Final solution in bug 1243734 using compile time flag, which means all mask-* will disappear after 1243734 land. With correct landing sequence, this issue mentioned here will not happen again bug 1243734(turn off mask-*) >> bug 1228354(luminance mask support) >> Bug 1251161(turn on mask-*)
Thanks for the clarification! So I close this as WONTFIX then. Then I hope you can fix bug 1243734 before the code of bug 686281 moves to DevEdition. Sebastian
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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