Closed Bug 1248056 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Marionette connection timeout when running mochitest with --valgrind


(Testing :: Mochitest, defect)

Not set


(firefox46 fixed, firefox47 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox46 --- fixed
firefox47 --- fixed


(Reporter: ahal, Assigned: ahal)




(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

This is fallout from bug 1231784. See: Apparently using --valgrind can make Gecko *really* slow to start up. My theory is that the default 60 second connection timeout in marionette isn't sufficient: Ted points out that it may also be insufficient when running with certain debuggers attached. If this is the case, we'll need to bump that timeout when running with these types of tools.
Attached patch demo patch (do not commit) (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Just to confirm, per irc w/ ahal on Thursday (?), increasing the marionette startup timeout from 60 seconds to 900 seconds fixed the problem for me, when running on Valgrind. As ahal suspected it would.
Blocks: 1245566
Excellent. I'll add a hidden argument for controlling the marionette timeout. Then I'll automatically bump it up higher if --valgrind or --debugger is set.
Assignee: nobody → ahalberstadt
I found a second timeout that needs to be adjusted. So here's a revised reference patch that shows both changes.
Attachment #8719442 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8719781 - Flags: review?(cmanchester) → review+
Comment on attachment 8719781 [details] MozReview Request: Bug 1248056 - Increase marionette connection timeouts in mochitest when running with valgrind, r?chmanchester ::: testing/mochitest/ (Diff revision 1) > + [["--marionette-port-timeout"], > + {"default": 60, > + "help": "Timeout while waiting for the marionette port to open.", > + "suppress": True, > + }], > + [["--marionette-socket-timeout"], > + {"default": 360.0, > + "help": "Timeout while waiting to receive a message from the marionette server.", > + "suppress": True, > + }], Consider leaving these un-set when they're not needed so we don't have these defaults both here and in marionette. ::: testing/mochitest/ (Diff revision 1) > marionette_args = { > 'symbols_path': options.symbolsPath, > + 'socket_timeout': options.marionette_socket_timeout, > + 'port_timeout': options.marionette_port_timeout, These args end up in the constructor for marionette, right? I don't see port_timeout as a valid keyword argument there. > Consider leaving these un-set when they're not needed so we don't have these defaults both here and in marionette. I was trying to avoid having to wrap all my marionette calls in if statements as passing in None to them overrides the default. But I'll fix this by making a change to marionette as well. > These args end up in the constructor for marionette, right? I don't see port_timeout as a valid keyword argument there. It gets popped back off before being passed to the constructor. I did it this way to avoid changing the signature of runApp (which meant futzing with b2g and android). But if you feel particularly strongly about it, I can pass it in via the runApp signature instead of piggy-backing off marionette_args.
Comment on attachment 8719781 [details] MozReview Request: Bug 1248056 - Increase marionette connection timeouts in mochitest when running with valgrind, r?chmanchester Review request updated; see interdiff:
Does it even make sense to have a timeout for an 'interactive' debugger? The debugger could just be waiting for the user to give the command to start the target, why would timing out make sense in that case?
That's a good point. Marionette currently polls for the server every 100ms, and there isn't any way to disable the timeout completely (though that could be changed). Though one benefit of a timeout is to prevent this from accidentally getting run indefinitely in a screen session or similar. But even so, with this patch developers have 15 minutes to start the target. And if they somehow get distracted and miss this timeout, it's just a matter of re-running the command. For those reasons this use case isn't terribly compelling to me. Though I'm open to further debate.
15 minutes certainly sounds better already. I've had multiple instances where I was looking up where to set a breakpoint only to have my run killed once I switched back to my terminal. I still don't think that that timeout makes sense, but I guess I'll just set a huge one using the --marionette-*-timeout arguments.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla47
(In reply to Andrew Halberstadt [:ahal] from comment #7) > Comment on attachment 8719781 [details] > MozReview Request: Bug 1248056 - Increase marionette connection timeouts in > mochitest when running with valgrind, r?chmanchester The patch as landed here was not that ideal and doesn't correspond with the commit message as given for mozreview. It actually bumped up the default socket timeout for each and every Marionette based test harness. As result also tests running on opt builds had this timeout set, which increased our test execution times drastically in case of socket failures. I have seen this a lot lately due to all sort of e10s issues. Please keep in mind that I reverted the default value back to 60s on bug 1284457 to get rid of those long wait times on build and test machines. So if any other test harness or developers want to use a different timeout they will have to specify that via the command line option --socket-timeout.
See Also: → 1284457
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