Closed Bug 1249170 Opened 9 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Change "options" to "edit" in Bookmarked snackbar


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: antlam, Unassigned)




|                                |
| Bookmark added         OPTIONS |
|                                |


|                                |
| Bookmarked                EDIT |
|                                |

This makes a lot more sense with the folder management stuff we're doing. I think its more valuable than "Add to homescreen" which is the only other option in the dialog that pops up after a user hits "option". 

We can think about other ways to promote "Add to home screen" too but I don't think this snackbar is the best place to do that. Here, it's kinda getting in the way of our other features (like Edit). 

Perhaps inside the Edit dialog once that's done but we also have other ways to "Add to home screen" anyway.

quick question, do you have any strong disagreements for using "Bookmarked" as opposed to "Bookmark added"? its more concise and contrasts nicely when we have a "Bookmark removed" message.
Flags: needinfo?(matej)
(In reply to Anthony Lam (:antlam) from comment #1)
> Matej, 
> quick question, do you have any strong disagreements for using "Bookmarked"
> as opposed to "Bookmark added"? its more concise and contrasts nicely when
> we have a "Bookmark removed" message.

My only reservation is that it creates another form of the word (though I guess we're using it as a verb elsewhere, too). 

I also think it's better to keep the parallel construction: if we have "removed," why not keep "added"?
Flags: needinfo?(matej)
(In reply to Matej Novak [:matej] from comment #2)
> My only reservation is that it creates another form of the word (though I
> guess we're using it as a verb elsewhere, too). 

Yeah, that's my thinking too. Some other places just don't have that screen space to have two words either.

> I also think it's better to keep the parallel construction: if we have
> "removed," why not keep "added"?

Actually, since these snackbars are quite temporary in nature, and they never appear next to each other, the difference makes for better glance-ability I find.
Flags: needinfo?(bbermes)
Flags: needinfo?(bbermes)
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Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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