Closed Bug 1251407 Opened 9 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Add support for producing Snap packages for Ubuntu and derivatives


(Firefox Build System :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mconnor, Unassigned)




We would like to produce packages for use in Ubuntu's new package management setup. We believe this is may be possible as a new type of package artifact from our current build system.
I'd like to know the plans for the generated snap package before we add code to produce it, as that somewhat dictates how the package generation is implemented.
Per e-mail discussion, Mozilla will need to upload the snap to a 3rd party server. So, there are 2 parts to this: 1) Start producing snap packages from the build system 2) 3rd party upload mechanism catlee: I'm not sure how you prefer doing #2. Do we do a separate build job for the snap? Should we produce a snap as a normal build artifact and have a separate mechanism for uploading that artifact to Ubuntu? Assuming the snap can easily be assembled from an existing Linux build, I'm inclined to always produce it and have some release process send it to Ubuntu.
Flags: needinfo?(catlee)
Assuming we can generate a functional snap from the existing build process, I would suggest we have the regular builds produce a new snap artifact, and then adjust release automation to publish to the snap repository when appropriate. Another option could be to create a 'snap repack' job which takes a regular .tar.bz2 and produces a snap artifact.
Flags: needinfo?(catlee)
Why should we produce Ubuntu-specific packages, when at the same time xdg-app seems more promising and will end up supported everywhere (it's part of gnome 3.16)?
See Also: → flatpak
Hello, is this the only thread of discussion on this issue? If so, I'm surprised at the Mozilla blog, it has been announced that Firefox will be distributed in a Snap package for Ubuntu and derivatives (still hard to use Snap out of Ubuntu), without considering other options that are more transversal use. However, if there is no problem supporting two solutions like Snap and Flatpak, there would be no objection to Firefox use both systems. Moreover, I believe that the use of two systems that offer similar features, but with differences that give advantage to one over the other, is an unnecessary waste of resources and effort only to distribute Firefox in Linux ecosystem. To give an example, the Flatpak roadmap anticipates advanced features such as support for webcam sandbox access (, which are not considered as a feature in Snap. Thanks
Blocks: snappy
Product: Core → Firefox Build System
This has been completed.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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