Closed Bug 126444 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Mozilla dies when jsperf eats up my free disk 32MB 133MHz PC


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

Windows 98
Not set





(Reporter: neil, Assigned: jst)




(Keywords: perf)


(2 files)

Using Build ID: 2002021803 on a 32MB 133MHz PC I tried running the jsperf test from this page and after Mozilla ate up my free disk space (64MB) with swapfile it just died, and since I had no memory left I can't even give you any debugging information.
For reference purposes, I will attach the source of the actual performance engine, "perf1.html". If you load this page directly, the test will start to run! Use the view-source protocol to avoid that: view-source:
Attached file perf1.html (as text)
I tried the performance test with Mozilla trunk binary 2002021413 WinNT. I had no trouble whatsoever. I have a 500 MHz processor and 128M of RAM. The WinNT Task Manager showed my "available physical memory" dropping from 43M to about 20M at the low point, just before the colorful DHMTL elements were painted. During most of the run, however, the figure was over 30M. Note: as the site says, half of the test is JS performance, half is DHTML performance. Neil: did your browser ever display the colored items and the little box that travels from the left one to the right? Or didn't it get that far?
Assignee: rogerl → khanson
Keywords: perf
Summary: Mozilla dies when jspref eats up my free disk → Mozilla dies when jsperf eats up my free disk 32MB 133MHz PC
It didn't get as far as the DHTML performance test. Another 128MB PC did.
Neil: 1. On the 32MB box, what is the last message you get in the status bar before it dies? That will tell us what the last successful test was - 2. On the 128MB box: does it complete all the tests OK, like mine does?
The 128MB box works fine. Trying the 32MB box again crashed with the following display: Title: JavaScript Performance Test - Mozilla {Build ID: 2002021903} Address: Testing Core Performance Please be patient... This may take about 1 minute... Mozilla This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. Close If the problem persists, contact the program vendor. Details MOZILLA caused an invalid page fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0177:bff8433e Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0177 EIP=bff8433e EFLGS=00000246 EBX=007ec1b0 SS=017f ESP=00defeec EBP=00defef0 ECX=c159bff0 DS=017f ESI=00000000 FS=0fc7 EDX=bffc9490 ES=017f EDI=04fb6a50 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 5e 5d c2 04 00 55 8b ec 81 ec 0c 03 00 00 53 56 Stack dump: 017ed97c 00deff2c 60e7350e 017ed998 04fb6a50 61032c5d 046cfa50 6103268b 04fb6a50 046cfa50 6103263b 6103264a 046cfa50 007ec240 046cfa50 046cfa50 Sending request to
Mozilla sat with the same display for several minutes before the crash dialog.
Why is this bug not a dup of bug 13350? /be
I see what you mean: if the DOM did a better job of scheduling garbage collection, then all the memory of the 32MB box would not get used up. Will mark as duplicate of bug 13350. Reassigning to DOM Level 0 for parity -
Assignee: khanson → jst
Component: JavaScript Engine → DOM Level 0
QA Contact: pschwartau → desale
Marking as duplicate. Neil, you will be cc'ed on the other bug; you'll be able to follow its progress and check that it fixes your testcase - *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 13350 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Sure thing.
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