Closed Bug 1264969 Opened 8 years ago Closed 1 year ago

crash in av_buffer_unref


(Core :: Audio/Video: Playback, defect, P3)

46 Branch



Tracking Status
firefox45 --- unaffected
firefox46 --- affected


(Reporter: pauly, Unassigned)


(Keywords: crash)

Crash Data


(1 file)

This bug was filed from the Socorro interface and is 
report bp-39916cd7-8d40-4967-ba24-b3f202160415.

- This issue is intermittent

[Affected versions]:
- 46b11

[Affected platforms]:
- Ubuntu 12.04 x86

[Steps to reproduce]:
1. Open,, about:preferences
2. Switch tabs until the rendering issue in bug 1194358 shows up
3. Switch tabs a few more times

[Expected result]:
- no crash

[Actual result]:
- crash

[Regression range]:
- reproduced on 46b10
- not reproduced on 45
Couldn't reproduce the crash with layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled = FALSE
This was uncovered in testing for beta 10. I don't see any obvious crashes with this signature in crash-stats so I am not too concerned about this for 46 release.
This is a bug in Media not Graphics.

Paul, can you please try reproducing this with the open source Nouveau driver? We need to rule it out as a bug in NVIDIA's proprietary Linux driver. It'd also be useful to know if you can reproduce this in any other pre-release Firefox version and on any other machines. Thanks.

Note that we have two prior instances of this crash:
bp-e18d3331-8a3e-47c7-a080-d0e0b2160402 (46.0b4 on Windows on April 2nd)
bp-59e89632-b6ca-4db1-8c7a-524822160302 (46.0a2 on Linux on March 22nd)

We have no crashes reported in all history prior to March 22nd. All other crashes are from Paul.
Component: Graphics → Audio/Video
Whiteboard: [gfx-noted]
(In reply to Anthony Hughes (:ashughes) [GFX][QA][Mentor] from comment #3)
> Paul, can you please try reproducing this with the open source Nouveau
> driver? We need to rule it out as a bug in NVIDIA's proprietary Linux
> driver. It'd also be useful to know if you can reproduce this in any other
> pre-release Firefox version and on any other machines. Thanks.

Sorry Paul, forgot the need-info flag. Please get this info as soon as possible.
Flags: needinfo?(paul.silaghi)
(In reply to Anthony Hughes (:ashughes) [GFX][QA][Mentor] from comment #3)
> Paul, can you please try reproducing this with the open source Nouveau
> driver? We need to rule it out as a bug in NVIDIA's proprietary Linux
> driver. 
I'm not sure how to do that. In System/Additional Drivers I see "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system". But if I run "sudo lshw -c video" in the terminal, I see: "configuration: driver=nvidia latency=0". I also tried the instructions on, but still no change.

> It'd also be useful to know if you can reproduce this in any other
> pre-release Firefox version and on any other machines. Thanks.
I can reproduce this on FX 46b1.
I can reproduce this only on a single machine with NVIDIA Geforce 620 GPU, but I can reproduce bug 	1194358 on multiple machines with NVIDIA GPU.
Flags: needinfo?(paul.silaghi)
(In reply to Paul Silaghi, QA [:pauly] from comment #5)
> I'm not sure how to do that. In System/Additional Drivers I see "No
> proprietary drivers are in use on this system". 

I thought you were using the proprietary driver based on the metadata in your crash report. Please attach a copy of about:support to this bug report so we can confirm your system details.

> > It'd also be useful to know if you can reproduce this in any other
> > pre-release Firefox version and on any other machines. Thanks.
> I can reproduce this on FX 46b1.

Sorry, what I meant was can you reproduce this on Firefox 47 or 48. 

> I can reproduce this only on a single machine with NVIDIA Geforce 620 GPU

Is this a discrete card? If so, can you move it to another machine and test?
I'll get back with the details as soon as we're done with the 46 RC and ESRs builds.
Flags: needinfo?(paul.silaghi)
Component: Audio/Video → Audio/Video: Playback
I don't see any references to gfx nor a link with the nvidia or nouveau driver at all. How did the mention of those come about?

That's a very bizarre crash report. Is this with an official build ?

The crash occurs when attempting to register the VP8 decoder, and is done via the macro REGISTER_DECODER

which is:
#define REGISTER_DECODER(X, x)                                          \
    {                                                                   \
        extern AVCodec ff_##x##_decoder;                                \
        if (CONFIG_##X##_DECODER)                                       \
            avcodec_register(&ff_##x##_decoder);                        \

so this call avcodec_register with &ff_vp8_decoder (ff_vp8_decoder is a structure)

which should normally call ff_vp8_decode_init but here it calls ff_vp8_decode_free

It sounds like the compilation was done with a header from a different version of ffmpeg.

Where does this build come from ?
the alternative of course is that there's a memory corruption happening somewhere
(In reply to Anthony Hughes (:ashughes) [GFX][QA][Mentor] from comment #6)
> Please attach a copy of about:support to this bug report
> so we can confirm your system details.
> Sorry, what I meant was can you reproduce this on Firefox 47 or 48. 
Just reproduced on 49.0a1 (2016-04-27).

> Is this a discrete card? If so, can you move it to another machine and test?
Yes, it's a dedicated card. I'm going to need IT Dep's approval for that, so let's see if this is really necessary.

(In reply to Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya] from comment #8)
> I don't see any references to gfx nor a link with the nvidia or nouveau
> driver at all. How did the mention of those come about?
I can reproduce this only on a single machine with NVIDIA Geforce 620 GPU. Also, bug 1194358 is NVIDIA specific too.

> That's a very bizarre crash report. Is this with an official build ?
Yes, the official release 46.
Flags: needinfo?(paul.silaghi)
Attached file about:support.txt
(In reply to Paul Silaghi, QA [:pauly] from comment #11)
> Created attachment 8746027 [details]
> about:support.txt

This shows "Driver Version: 4.3.0 NVIDIA 319.32" which would seem to indicate you're using the proprietary driver, not the open source driver. Can you please double check?

(In reply to Paul Silaghi, QA [:pauly] from comment #10)
> > Is this a discrete card? If so, can you move it to another machine and test?
> Yes, it's a dedicated card. I'm going to need IT Dep's approval for that, so
> let's see if this is really necessary.

It is necessary to eliminate your system as a variable.
I switched the video cards with another machine. I couldn't reproduced the issue on the second machine (having now the NVIDIA Geforce 620 GPU). Instead, I reproduced the issue on the old system having now an AMD Radeon R7 200 GPU. I guess this makes the crash to be system specific, and unrelated to bug 1194358.
No longer blocks: 1194358
Also couldn't reproduced the crash on another machine with Ubuntu 12.04. All the tests were made on FF 46.0.1.
Mass change P2 -> P3
Priority: P2 → P3

Since the crash volume is low (less than 5 per week), the severity is downgraded to S3. Feel free to change it back if you think the bug is still critical.

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Severity: critical → S3

Closing because no crashes reported for 12 weeks.

Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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