Open Bug 1267225 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Pinterest Share Extension doesn't find all images


(Firefox for iOS :: Browser, defect)




Tracking Status
platform-rel --- +
fxios + ---


(Reporter: fluffyemily, Unassigned)


(Keywords: webcompat:site-wait, Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Pinterest][sitewait])


(5 files)

When using the Pinterest share extension in Firefox for iOS, the share extension doesn't find all the images in the page, unlike Safari.


In Safari, Google image search for 'blue red hair' (SafariImageSearchResults.png)
Select 'Share' and pick the Pinterest Share Extension.
View the large number of discovered images (SafariPintrestExtensionResults.png)

In Firefox, Google image search for 'blue red hair' (FirefoxImageSearchResults.png)
Select 'Share' and pick the Pinterest Share Extension
View only 2 discovered images (FirefoxPinterestExtensionResults.png)
File radar for missing JS functionality for third party web app extensions.
Flags: needinfo?(etoop)
platform-rel: --- → ?
Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Pinterest]
Hey Emily, where does "Pinterest share extension" come from? Do I have to install that -- it doesn't seem to be in iOS stock.
Hi Mike,

Yeah, you have to have the Pintrest app installed to see the Pintrest iOS extesion
Flags: needinfo?(etoop)
platform-rel: ? → +
Rank: 22
Mike - have you been able to re-produce post Comment 6? Should this hit our DL with the Pinterest folks?
Flags: needinfo?(miket)
Sorry, I don't have an iPhone to reproduce.
Flags: needinfo?(miket)
Hiya Emily. Are you able to re-test this issue on iOS and provide feedback, please. Post that - if we need to reach out to the Pinterest folks we can do so via our DL...
Flags: needinfo?(etoop)
I have retested this. With the same STR on Firefox I now get the message `Oops! We couldn't find any images to Pin'.
Flags: needinfo?(etoop)
Adam, can you ask Pinterest if they might have any insight?
Flags: needinfo?(astevenson)
Contacted using the Pinterest mailing list.
Flags: needinfo?(astevenson)
Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Pinterest] → [platform-rel-Pinterest][sitewait]

See bug 1547409. Moving webcompat whiteboard tags to keywords.

Severity: normal → S3
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