Closed Bug 1267621 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Keep track of past and future notifications


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox49 --- affected


(Reporter: Paolo, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [fxprivacy])

When a permission request is made but another permission notification is visible, the number of pending requests should be shown in the current notification. When the current notification is dismissed, the notification that follows should still display an indication that it was put in a queue, with text indicating for example "2 of 3".
Priority: -- → P2
Whiteboard: [fxprivacy] → [fxprivacy][b][c]
This "2 of 3" indication isn't part of the current mockup (the URL field on this bug points to an obsolete version of the control center mockups), so I think we don't need this bug anymore.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Priority: P2 → --
(In reply to Florian Quèze [:florian] [:flo] from comment #1)
> (the URL field on this bug points to an obsolete version of the control center mockups)

Which URL has the current mockup for the "multiple notifications" case?
(In reply to :Paolo Amadini from comment #2)
> (In reply to Florian Quèze [:florian] [:flo] from comment #1)
> > (the URL field on this bug points to an obsolete version of the control center mockups)
> Which URL has the current mockup for the "multiple notifications" case?

I can't see any image with the multiple notifications case on the current mockups ( ), so it may be under-specified.

What I remember is that I asked Bryan what the plan was for the '1 of 4' text (I was asking because I found it to have poor readability with light gray text on a lighter gray background) and he told me it was old and we aren't doing that.

Given this multi-notification case isn't specified, my assumption is that we aren't changing the behavior, ie. the notifications are preserved and once a notification prompt is answered, the next prompt shows up.
Whiteboard: [fxprivacy][b][c] → [fxprivacy]
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