Bug 1272417
Opened 9 years ago
Closed 5 years ago
odd scaling behavior in SVG text elements with font-size specified
(Core :: SVG, defect)
(Reporter: spam, Unassigned)
(7 files)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0
Build ID: 20160303134406
Steps to reproduce:
Create an SVG with a text element specifying a font-size. For the sake of this test, I specified the <svg> width and height attributes to 100%. But this does not appear to be the cause of the problem.
Actual results:
As one shrinks the browser window size (which shrinks the viewport), the text inside the <text> elements shrinks as well, which is expected. However, at some threshold, the text suddenly jumps to a much larger size, before it begins once again to shrinking. "
I have attached a sample SVG test file, as well as an animation of the problem.
NOTE: I did NOT have a minimum font size set.
Expected results:
The text should not suddenly grow as the viewport shrinks.
(In reply to spam from comment #0)
> before it begins once again to shrinking. "
The above should read:
> before it begins once again to shrink.
I'm not able to reproduce it with FF46 on Win 7.
Component: Untriaged → SVG
Product: Firefox → Core
I originally tested this with FF45, but I have updated and tested again with version 46.0.1. The original behavior persists in this version. Note that I am on Mac OS X "El Capitan".
Comment 5•8 years ago
I confirm this bug for FF 48 and less on Mac OS X
probably related to
by my opinion, I assume that this is just a rounding error, and solutions will be simple
Comment 6•8 years ago
Comment 7•8 years ago
Comment 8•8 years ago
Comment 9•8 years ago
Comment 10•7 years ago
Test HTML and animation showing text resize scaling bug in action on FF 56 64-bit, Win7.
Comment 11•5 years ago
Seems OK now.
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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