Closed Bug 127946 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Add remaining accept-languages from Mozilla L10n projects


(Core :: Internationalization, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: momoi, Assigned: tetsuroy)




(Keywords: intl)


(1 file, 3 obsolete files)

I had thought that Bug 107731 took care of all the languages we needed for 
Mozilla 1.0. I sent out a message asking people to add names to the 
above in late October of 2001. But some people apparently missed that 

This is a last call to add/modify the accept-language list before Mozilla 1.0.

Here's what I have rihgt now:


Malaysian --> Malay   (Jus an UI name change)


Gallegan [gl]
Welsh/United Kingdom [cy-gb]

Possible additions -- not sure yet because these language projects have
not been active:

Xhosa [xh]
Zulu [zu]
I would like to finish this up as soon as possible.
Will propose a patch later today.
I guess Gallegan/Gallician should be:

Gellegan/Spain [gl-es]
Keywords: intl
QA Contact: ruixu → ylong
Gallegan is already in the list as Galician [gl].
This is not the English official name as defined in:

Should we change it to the English name and add a specific
region like Gallegan/Spain [gl-es], or leave it alone as
Galician [gl]? Let us know what you think.

Welsh [cy] would be fine for describing Welsh. 

Andrea <> commented at:

let me quote that here to continue the discussion.

Form i18n newsgroup Katsushito Momoi wrote:
> apparently, we missed Welsh/United Kingdom [cy-gb] and Gallegan/Spain [gl-es].
> The latter is often known as Galician also. This latter is already on the list.
> The official English name according to:
> is Gallegan. The localization project is producing Gallegan/Spain [gl-es] builds.
> Should we change this or leave it alone as Galician [gl]?

Well, about the Gallegan/Galician issue, I'd take the latter one.

I've changed the name on
from Gallician to Gallegan after taking a look at the ISO 639 standard table.
They use Gallegan, so I've thought it might be more appropriate.

Now I've took a look at the online English dictionary and for
Gallegan and it reports:
"Of or pertaining to Galicia, in Spain, or to Galicia, the kingdom of Austrian
Poland. -- n. A native of Galicia in Spain; -- called also Gallegan."

and for Galician:
"n : the dialect of Portuguese (sometimes regarded as a dialect of Spanish)
spoken in Galicia NW Spain"

So I think, the former is more suitable as an adjective (provenance),
while the latter is more suitable as the name for the language.
If you concour with me, I'll also change the above page on

I'm not a native English speaker.
Please someone comment about the correctness of my assumptions on #5, kindly 
reported by KatsushiKo (altough I understand the line in between is quite thin).

I realize that ISO-639 lists Gallegan as the official
English name but as Andrea points out, there is an overwhelming
trend to use Galician as the langauge name. See for the example
a page on Galician by an well-regarded organization on language
issue, SIL.

I have seen many cases where Galician is the favaored word for
the language name. Therefore, I do not think that we should 
change the name from Galician to Gallegan. 
So for this bug, I propose the following:


Malaysian --> Malay


Welsh [cy]


Xhosa [xh]
Zulu [zu]

Comments: Both Xhosa and Zulu are written by standard Latin 1 characters
          and Mozilla can easily support these. The entries already 
          exist to turn on these languags and Mozilla projects 
          seem to exist for them. 

Unless I hear otherwise in the next day, these will be the changes.
Finally, why don't check in all the 3 letters languages defined in 639 (if we 
already use the 2 letter code), instead adding one by one ?

I think we would also create a (good) precedent.
(see also my comments on bug 107731)
> Finally, why don't check in all the 3 letters languages defined in 639 (if we 
> already use the 2 letter code), instead adding one by one ?

We had discussed this before. We should not put in the entries for which 
we have no underlying Mozilla support in the code itself. We don't
support Indic encodings right now and so no Indic language names have
been added. To go through the entire list of ISO 639-1/2 and determine
which scipts are really supported by Mozilla at present is not a trivial
task and I recommend against it. I have tried as much as possible
to add all the major ones we can support only when I am sure we
support that script and encoding(s) used.

"Accept language" means that the client can accept pages in that 
language/script. It's not possible to say that for all the languages
in ISO 639 lists.

Keywords: nsbeta1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0

This file reflects:

a revision: Malaysian --> Malay
a new addition: Welsh [cy]

The changes here are to the turn the flag on for:

Welsh [cy]
Xhosa [xh]
Zulu [zu]

All of these are part of Mozilla L10n projects.
yokoyama-san, the two patches above are the modified files but are not official
diffs. Please create an official patch that incorporate all the changes
in the 2 files. These files were modifications of the source files from a
2002-02-28 trunk build. I tested the changes on that build and they work
Attached patch all in one diff (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #71941 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #71942 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #71959 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 71962 [details] [diff] [review]
try again. (removing unnecessary diff cs.accept = true)

Attachment #71962 - Flags: review+
Whiteboard: need /a=
Comment on attachment 71962 [details] [diff] [review]
try again. (removing unnecessary diff cs.accept = true)

a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to 0.9.9 and the trunk.
Attachment #71962 - Flags: approval+
Checked into the trunk
I am the gl-ES translator; I think that the language for the accept-languages
list should be Galician (gl). Not gl-ES since Galician is only spoken in Spain.
> I am the gl-ES translator; I think that the language for the accept-languages
> list should be Galician (gl). Not gl-ES since Galician is only spoken in Spain.

No change was made to the existing Galician [gl] entry. So this is not a 
The changes are in the source now. We should get the changes
in tomorrow's trunk build or later.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
mark it as nsbeta1+
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
kat: do we need to check this in 0.9.9 branch?
We were approved for 0.9.9 and the trunk. So, please
check it into the 0.9.9 branch.
Checked it into the 0.9.9 branch

Whiteboard: need /a=
Verified [cy], [xh] and ]zu] have been added into accept languages, and
Malaysian is changed to Malay on 03-06 trunk build.
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