Bug 1279729
Opened 9 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
Some photos and math formulas are not displayed if browser.display.document_color_use=2
(Core :: Layout, defect)
(Reporter: thecrazycpu, Unassigned)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0
Build ID: 20160604131506
Steps to reproduce:
1) Run FF47.0
2) Set browser.display.document_color_use=2 in about:config
3) Go to
4) Go to
Actual results:
3) Math formulas are not displayed in
4) Most of the Photos are not displayed in
Expected results:
3) Math formulas should be displayed in
4) All photos should be displayed in
- issue is not reproducible in FF44, so probably something is broken in FF45-47
- issue is not reproduced with browser.display.document_color_use=0 even in FF47 (reproduced only with browser.display.document_color_use=2 )
- probably issue is related to MathML and SVG renderer in FF47
Comment 1•9 years ago
Hi Leo,
I tested this issue on Win 7 x64 with FF 47 release setting the "browser.display.document_color" to 2 and I can't reproduce it, the math formulas are displayed and also the photos. Please note that I used a new profile when I was testing this issue. Do you have add-ons installed on your profile? If yes please try the steps from bellow.
Please create a new profile, you have the steps here:
Please test if the issue can be reproduced in safe mode:
Flags: needinfo?(thecrazycpu)
Comment 2•9 years ago
Also can you please attached some print screens with your problem? Thanks
Comment 3•9 years ago
Marking this as Resolved: Incomplete due to the lack of response from the reporter.
If the issue is still reproducible with the latest Firefox version, feel free to reopen the bug with more information.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Comment 4•8 years ago
I received a similar report to this bug.
The issue with is that they set images/photos with background-image:url() on elements. Using color overrides apparently also removes background images of elements (which makes sense considering regular use of background images for patterned background colors in elements). I think the problem is rather on the web design side here: foreground/content images should not be implemented using background-image. Short of special-casing background images (with an additional value in browser.display.document_color_use), it'll cause issues for actual background-image use in accessibility situations if that behavior is changed.
The Wikipedia formulae display correctly for me, but them being SVG images, they likely have a transparent background. If the color set for background is black, then the formulae would disappear being black on black. I don't think there's much that can be done about that...?
Ever confirmed: true
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Updated•8 years ago
Component: Untriaged → Layout
Product: Firefox → Core
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
Comment 5•2 years ago
Clear a needinfo that is pending on an inactive user.
Inactive users most likely will not respond; if the missing information is essential and cannot be collected another way, the bug maybe should be closed as INCOMPLETE
For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.
Flags: needinfo?(thecrazycpu)
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