Open Bug 1280166 Opened 8 years ago

This search results in a SQL error


(Bugzilla :: Query/Bug List, defect)

Not set




(Reporter: benjamin, Unassigned)

Details current production

* Construct a search using the advanced search form
* "match all of the following against the same field"
* "Flags" "matches regular expression" "\?$"
* "Flags" "does not contain the string" "needinfo"
* It may be necessary to hit the "+" button a few times and leave the extra fields empty; I'm not sure about this.
* Results in loading this URL:

Error message:
DBD::mysql::db selectcol_arrayref failed: Table 'bugs.bugs_g6' doesn't exist [for Statement "SELECT bugs.bug_id AS bug_id, bugs.priority AS priority FROM bugs LEFT JOIN bug_group_map AS security_map ON bugs.bug_id = security_map.bug_id AND NOT ( security_map.group_id IN (20,19,31,10,9,170,132,149,146,2,195,125,142,119,69,161,136,130,84,126,158,98,111,144,138,128,32,6,42,22,26,120,33,29,140,191,96,190,181,38,113,188,186,187,178,177,134,180,179) ) LEFT JOIN cc AS security_cc ON bugs.bug_id = security_cc.bug_id AND security_cc.who = 7044 INNER JOIN priority AS map_priority ON bugs.priority = map_priority.value LEFT JOIN bugs AS bugs_g6 ON bugs.bug_id = bugs_g6.bug_id WHERE bugs.creation_ts IS NOT NULL AND (security_map.group_id IS NULL OR (bugs.reporter_accessible = 1 AND bugs.reporter = 7044) OR (bugs.cclist_accessible = 1 AND security_cc.who IS NOT NULL) OR bugs.assigned_to = 7044 OR bugs.qa_contact = 7044) AND bugs.bug_status IN ('UNCONFIRMED','NEW','ASSIGNED','REOPENED') AND bugs.component_id IN (31,285,374) AND bugs.product_id IN (1,30) AND bugs.resolution IN ('') AND bugs.delta_ts >= '2016-06-10 06:47:57' AND ( 1 = 1 AND ( EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM bugs_g6 bugs_6 LEFT JOIN attachments AS attachments_6 ON bugs_6.bug_id = attachments_6.bug_id LEFT JOIN flags AS flags_6 ON bugs_6.bug_id = flags_6.bug_id AND (flags_6.attach_id = attachments_6.attach_id OR flags_6.attach_id IS NULL) LEFT JOIN flagtypes AS flagtypes_6 ON flags_6.type_id = WHERE bugs_6.bug_id = bugs_g6.bug_id AND CONCAT(, flags_6.status) REGEXP '\\?$' ) ) AND ( NOT( EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM bugs_g6 bugs_6 LEFT JOIN attachments AS attachments_6 ON bugs_6.bug_id = attachments_6.bug_id LEFT JOIN flags AS flags_6 ON bugs_6.bug_id = flags_6.bug_id AND (flags_6.attach_id = attachments_6.attach_id OR flags_6.attach_id IS NULL) LEFT JOIN flagtypes AS flagtypes_6 ON flags_6.type_id = WHERE bugs_6.bug_id = bugs_g6.bug_id AND INSTR(CONCAT(, flags_6.status), 'needinfo') > 0 ) ) ) ) GROUP BY bugs.bug_id ORDER BY map_priority.sortkey, map_priority.value LIMIT 500 "]
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