Closed Bug 1280284 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Firefox window freezing when mouse not moving in some situations


(Firefox :: General, defect)

47 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: alexskc, Unassigned)


Oddly specific bug: Occurs on Linux, either when playing fullscreen video, or using a non-Gnome DE, and not moving the mouse.

The problem started one day despite no update to Firefox, so it's likely a problem with some other software, but because I couldn't observe this behavior in any software BUT Firefox, I'm reporting it here.

Safe mode does not fix the issue, neither does disabling video acceleration.

The entire Firefox window, including UI chrome as well as actual page content, freezes for about one second, before displaying the correct image, freezing again, and repeat. The effect is like watching a stuttery video of someone using Firefox rather than actually using it yourself. 

This is not triggered by input in general. The delay/stuttering is there when clicking buttons, typing text, scrolling, etc. It ONLY goes away specifically when the mouse cursor moves around.
I can confirm this bug. I'm in Arch Linux. Downgrading from 47.0-1 to 46.0.1-1 solved the problem. For me the problem occurred in every tab, manifesting as no-or-slow screen updates. Mouse movement triggered a new frame, and maybe some things occuring on the pages, but not typing on the keyboard. This even seemed to be the case in the profile manager (I was going to try a test profile, but didn't bother when I saw the problem in the profile manager itself).
Update: My window manager is xmonad 0.12, it looks like I have that installed from cabal:

% which xmonad                                                                             1
% xmonad --version                                                                         0
xmonad 0.12
I don't observe the behavior in xfce 4.12, so I have opened an xmonad issue:

It would be interesting to k
The bug appears to be in xf86-video-intel driver, see the xmonad thread above for details. Not sure if I can close this bug, but I'll try.
Sorry, I don't see any was to close the bug.
Closing the bug as invalid based on comment 4 and comment 5.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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