Closed Bug 1286024 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

2,300 instances of "No Document in SetRequestContext; can not query loadgroup; sending reports may fail." emitted from dom/security/nsCSPContext.cpp during linux64 debug testing


(Core :: DOM: Security, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox50 --- fixed


(Reporter: erahm, Assigned: tnguyen)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [domsecurity-active])


(1 file)

> 2271 WARNING: No Document in SetRequestContext; can not query loadgroup; sending reports may fail.: file dom/security/nsCSPContext.cpp, line 651 This warning [1] shows up in the following test suites: > 412 - [TC] Linux64 cppunit Cpp > 177 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-7 7 > 174 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-plain-e10s-7 7 > 169 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-12 12 > 169 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-e10s-12 12 > 104 - [TC] Linux64 crashtest C > 104 - [TC] Linux64 crashtest e10s C > 97 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-plain-e10s-4 4 > 97 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-4 4 > 73 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-plain-e10s-6 6 > 73 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-6 6 > 68 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-4 4 > 68 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-e10s-4 4 > 50 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-5 5 > 50 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-e10s-5 5 > 38 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-3 3 > 37 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-e10s-2 2 > 37 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-2 2 > 34 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-plain-e10s-2 2 > 31 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-plain-e10s-3 3 > 28 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-2 2 > 20 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-plain-e10s-5 5 > 19 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-9 9 > 19 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-e10s-9 9 > 18 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-5 5 > 10 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-devtools-chrome-9 dt9 > 8 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-e10s-3 3 > 8 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-3 3 > 7 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-e10s-7 7 > 7 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-7 7 > 6 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-gl-e10s gl > 6 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-browser-chrome-1 bc1 > 5 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-plain-e10s-10 10 > 5 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-browser-chrome-e10s-3 bc3 > 5 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-10 10 > 4 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-browser-chrome-3 bc3 > 4 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-e10s-1 1 > 4 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-1 1 > 3 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-browser-chrome-e10s-2 bc2 > 2 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-devtools-chrome-10 dt10 > 2 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-e10s-11 11 > 2 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-browser-chrome-e10s-1 bc1 > 2 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-11 11 > 2 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-chrome-2 c2 > 1 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-media mda > 1 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-chrome-3 c3 > 1 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-gl gl > 1 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-browser-chrome-e10s-4 bc4 > 1 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-browser-chrome-e10s-6 bc6 > 1 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-9 9 > 1 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-media-e10s mda > 1 - [TC] Linux64 firefox-ui-tests functional remote e10s en-US > 1 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-e10s-10 10 > 1 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-browser-chrome-2 bc2 > 1 - [TC] Linux64 firefox-ui-tests functional remote en-US > 1 - [TC] Linux64 web-platform-tests-10 10 > 1 - [TC] Linux64 mochitest-plain-e10s-9 9 It shows up in 1170 tests. A few of the most prevalent: > 412 - TestCSPParser > 99 - file:///home/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/dom/workers/test/crashtests/1228456.html > 99 - [e10s] file:///home/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/dom/workers/test/crashtests/1228456.html > 15 - [e10s] dom/workers/test/test_fibonacci.html > 15 - dom/workers/test/test_fibonacci.html > 12 - [e10s] dom/workers/test/test_errorwarning.html > 12 - [e10s] dom/workers/test/test_importScripts_3rdparty.html > 12 - dom/workers/test/test_errorwarning.html > 12 - dom/workers/test/test_importScripts_3rdparty.html > 10 - /html/infrastructure/urls/resolving-urls/query-encoding/utf-16be.html [1]
Blocks: 959388
Flags: needinfo?(tnguyen)
Hmm, that's a warning due to CSP was set request to principal, not document. This is exactly in the case CSP is not inherited from parent (or document) but delivered from HTTP header. Apparently, we could not use document in [1] to prevent unexpected csp inheritance. I am thinking to remove this warning (use LOG instead), but still not quite sure what's said in the warning "can not query loadgroup; sending reports may fail.". Perhaps I have to write some tests about sending reports to see what will happen. [1]
Flags: needinfo?(tnguyen)
Thomas, no need to write testcases. Since we now have support for CSP in workers that warning is not quite accurate anymore, since we 'most likely' will not have a doc available for all the different worker scenarios. Just remove or replace with a log is fine. Feel free to flag me for review. [1]
Flags: needinfo?(tnguyen)
Assignee: nobody → tnguyen
Whiteboard: [domsecurity-active]
MozReview-Commit-ID: IitqAt0iLQF
Flags: needinfo?(tnguyen)
Attachment #8770071 - Flags: review?(ckerschb)
Comment on attachment 8770071 [details] [diff] [review] Replace no document in SetRequestContext warning with a log Review of attachment 8770071 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks Thomas, r=me
Attachment #8770071 - Flags: review?(ckerschb) → review+
Keywords: checkin-needed
Pushed by Replace no document in SetRequestContext warning with a log. r=ckerschb
Keywords: checkin-needed
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla50
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