Closed Bug 1287806 Opened 8 years ago Closed 5 years ago

X-Frame-Options header incorrect for attachments


( :: Security, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jwhitlock, Unassigned)



(Keywords: in-triage, Whiteboard: [specification][type:bug])

What did you do?
See headers for an attached file, such as:

curl -I

What happened?
The X-Frame-Options header value is:

X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM:

What should have happened?
It should not include the colon after ALLOW-FROM

X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM

Is there anything else we should know?
The header is added in the Kuma code, and will be a quick fix:

The most likely outcome of the broken header is that browsers ignore it. Investigation is needed in staging to verify that the site does not require this broken functionality to work.
I should note that this way of using the header is completely deprecated and only supported by Firefox.

If you want the equivalent functionality, you should instead use:

Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors

This is supported by Chrome, Firefox, and Safari at least.  You can then either just leave out XFO, or you can set it to DENY or SAMEORIGIN, which would block from being framed by in IE/Edge, and would work properly in the others.  I would probably set CSP and then leave off XFO.
Mentor: jwhitlock
Keywords: in-triage
There is a PR submitted to fix this:

I have not gotten started with CSP, so I have a learning hill to climb. Are there CSP validators I should lean on? Do we need to setup a reporting interface first? Can this even be checked locally, or do we need to get into a production environment? Any book or tutorial recomendations?
Flags: needinfo?(april)
What I will usually do is take a test system and set:

Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'

And with the dev tools open (Chrome is better than Firefox for this), refresh the page.  It will tell you every resource that was blocked by CSP.  Add those sources (img-src, script-src, etc.) until that no longer happens.

If you'd like, I'd be happy to build one for you.  Just point me at a domain and I'll get you at least most of the way there.  :)
Flags: needinfo?(april)
Note that you can also do what I do and that is use the production site and run your HTTP requests through a middlebox proxy that can add the headers.  That's a good deal more complicated for most folks though.  But it is an option!
Mentor: jwhitlock
I'm removing my mentorship because that puts it on a list of "good first bugs", and there's nothing about this that makes it a good first bug:

1) Our development environment isn't a close copy of the production environment, so it's not adequate to test this kind of change
2) Our staging environment also doesn't have a completely working demos / attachment system, so it's possible that a change won't be able to be fully tested there, meaning
3) The first real test of this change will be in production, and we're not 100% sure what would work or break with the change.
4) We don't have any CSP reporting endpoint or service setup, so we'd be relying on staff to notice or users to report a problem.

I haven't been able to verify if site currently relies on a broken X-Frame-Options value. One place where attachments are used is this page:

The tumbling Alice demo is in an iframe with a source of:$samples/Playable_code?revision=1102971

The iframe page includes CSS that loads background images:

Does this iframe header apply to the image in this case? Should the allowed host be, or Or would it only count if the image was used directly, and not in a CSS property? I'm not sure what a good test of the header would be, to see if it still works before and after.

Additionally, we have "open in codepen" and "open in jsfiddle" links, to load the sample in those tools. If we do that, the demos should still work, and not be missing images.  The JSFiddle one works.  Does this work because the header is broken and ignored?  Or because it isn't being displayed by itself?  What are we trying to accomplish with the header in the first place?

These are all the things I'm not sure of, and why I don't want to involve a new contributor.
I did a new PR following the demand made in the previous PR.
This new PR doesn't add the CSP but fix the header syntax.

I'm wondering if it's worth opening a bug about the CSP in itself
Ok for information such bug already exist (sorry I didn't notice it)
:jwhitlock, basically anything an iframe loads from needs to have the proper XFO or CSP for it.  I believe that also includes subresources, such as when CSS includes an image.
I might suggest that instead of using XFO, you instead just use CSP for the framing stuff.  The directive is frame-ancestors, so like this:


Browsers that understand frame-ancestors (most of them) will implement it, and you can have plenty of sources.  Browsers that don't simply leave things open like they are now with the broken header.
Commits pushed to master at
fix bug 1287806 : Syntax correction on X-Frame-Options header for attachments
Merge pull request #3936 from MatonAnthony/fix-1287806-xframe-options

fix bug 1287806 : Syntax correction on X-Frame-Options header
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
The test page works with the fixed X-Frame-Options header:$samples/Playable_code?revision=1102971

I'm leaving the bug open for the future CSP work, adding that as a blocker
Blocks: 948151
Resolution: FIXED → ---

I'm going to boldly resolve this.
solved the "immediate" problem. 3 years ago.
It was during investigating this we discovered (Hi April!) that we should pivot and instead invest in CSP and if/when doing so we should do it all properly. That's what is all about.

The day we tackle we must make a mental note to check that iframes work correctly but it feels quite fundamental anyway so it just "should get done".

Also, to say that this blocks #948151 isn't right. Same can be said about
(at the moment, not sure what the difference is between these two bugs)
This bug (about attachments) would most likely automatically resolve itself once CSP is working properly. We'll get there.

Closed: 8 years ago5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
No longer blocks: 948151
Depends on: 948151
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