Closed Bug 1298806 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

xpinstall.signatures.required = false is ignored


(Firefox :: Settings UI, defect)

48 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: craigstv, Unassigned)



User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0
Build ID: 20160623154057

Steps to reproduce:

xpinstall.signatures.required was set to false in 47.0.1
Installed 48.0.2 over 47.0.1.
Verified xpinstall.signatures.required still set to false
"Unverified" extensions are still disabled despite the setting
Reinstalled 47.0.1 from backup

Actual results:

"Unverified" extensions are disabled

Expected results:

"Unverified" extensions should be enabled.  I will be staying on 47.0.1 until this is fixed as I rely on some of those extensions.
Component: Untriaged → Preferences
Happen to me also in windows. I cannot use anymore VPN system in firefox.
I had the same suddenly happen when upgrading to 49.0.2. I'm not sure what my previous version was. But I usually update pretty soon after the notice is given. It was fine before the update.

There's just a few tiny add-ons that work fine the way they are. I really don't need the hassle of this requiring signing.

OS: Windows 10
Signing cannot be disabled in Release and Beta versions.
You can self-sign the add-ons you need on, just register your account and publish the add-on as non-public (it will just be for your personal use).
Or you can use jpm to do the same (from the add-ons sdk).

Or, even simpler, just use Developer Edition, that still allows to disable signing.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Sorry Marco, but i switch to Developer Edition and for a while work, then stop to work for the same reason, bacause ignore the setting.

But i cannot understand why, if i set to ignore the signature, my will is ignored.
Beta and Release cannot respect the signature pref for safety reasons.
Developer edition should never ignore the pref, as far as I know. Maybe there's another reason if after a while it stops working, maybe signing is a red herring (some other add-on conflicts?, or Dev Edition updates the and add-on breaks due to code changes?), or maybe you inadvertently start Beta (if you have multiple versions installed)?
Another possible option is ESR versions, that are more stable then Dev Edition.
All the details are explained here:
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