Closed Bug 1301771 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

browser hangs on github merge/create pull request


(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)

50 Branch
Not set



Tracking Status
e10s + ---


(Reporter: heidi.kasemir, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [bugday-20160912])


(2 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

FF developer edition 50.0a2 (2016-09-09) - and earlier, but this is latest I can reproduce on.

Go to a github repo where you can make a pull request to merge one branch into another.

Open the pull request and start typing the description/title.

Actual results:

Browser hangs. The page is frozen, I can't close or switch tabs. The cursor turns into a spinning rainbow wheel (I'm on Mac OSX v10.11.6), and Activity monitor shows FirefoxDeveloperEdition and FFDE WebContent as frozen processes.

I have to force quit the processes to close and restart the browser.

Expected results:

I should have been able to open a PR, add descriptive information and save.
reproduced on nightly 51.0a1 (2016-09-08) (64-bit) - took 3 minutes before the page was responsive again.
I tried to reproduce it on Linux.
STR I used:

1) Go to
2) Log in
3) Go to an already existing PR
4) Click on "edit" next to the PR title
5) Edit the title

If I understand the reported correctly it should result in a hang, but it works for me.

May be Mac only.
Latest attempt to re-reproduce on developer edition: browser hung for two minutes, then a notification window opened with this message
Heidi, did you test with e10s disabled?
Hi Loic - I just gave that a try and it essentially fixed it! The page seemed to pause for only a half a second or so before allowing me to continue making the PR.
I'm not a user of Github, is there a public repo where I can make a "random" pull request to reproduce the bug?

maybe there is a regression in FF51.
¡Hola Heidi!

Could you please try the steps detailed at and provide a profile for this bug?

Flags: needinfo?(heidi.kasemir)
Whiteboard: [bugday-20160912]
Hey there Alex - I gave that a try - hopefully this works:

I made a teeny public repo for testing purposes: so Loic - if you want to attempt making a PR - I'm not sure if you can do this without making a github profile, but you can work with this if you like.

I think the length of the stall-out is correlated with the size of the PR as when I attempt to make a PR to merge the branch testing-branch, it only hangs for a few seconds, where if I'm making a significantly larger one it seems to hang for several minutes.

Let me know if this doesn't give the data you need.

I decided to try with a bigger repo and bigger PR:
Flags: needinfo?(heidi.kasemir)
oops! realized I had forgotten to update my nightly - here's another data point from the latest version, with the larger PR.
According to this profile, a good chunk of this performance problem is caused by LastPass. heidi.kasemir, if you temporarily disable LastPass, does the issue go away?
Flags: needinfo?(heidi.kasemir)
Interesting! That seems to have worked really quite well -

Here's the profile when lastpass was enabled:

and with lastpass disabled:
Flags: needinfo?(heidi.kasemir)
There is a new version of LastPass extension (4.1.*) which fixes this bug for the reported. Unfortunately, AMO is offering the old one (3.x) which doesn't work with e10s.
Depends on: e10s-lastpass
(In reply to Mike Conley (:mconley) - (needinfo me!) from comment #13)
> still some badness in here though - I've zoomed in: [link]
> Reflow #8 (~100ms) appears to be caused by some SVG flex stuff...

(mconley's talking about the hover-text from Reflow #8 here, which has some stuff about "set_WebkitFlexWrap" inside of "mozilla::dom::SVGElementBinding")

BenWa says this hover-text is actually just reporting the first thing that happens to set a dirty bit that gets flushed as part of this reflow -- so (when a lot of page changes happen at once) it's not actually a good sign of the real culprit.

Drilling down into the samples (after clicking on the "content" timeline and selecting the range around Reflow #8), it looks like it's all deeply-nested calls into nsBlockFrame reflow (with some table reflow mixed in, and text reflow at the deepest levels).

So, nothing jumps out at me as being particularly actionable there -- though it's possible more analysis (and particularly-pathological testcases) might reveal something.
Flags: needinfo?(dholbert)
But it sounds like most of the perf issues here were from LastPass & were fixed (though AMO needs an update), which is great news!
yep! I'm glad it was that simple to fix! Thanks for helping me get to the bottom of it :D
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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