Closed Bug 1306403 Opened 8 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Consider inheriting "flex" properties to table wrapper box


(Core :: Layout, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox52 --- wontfix


(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


As discussed in bug 1306106: for properties that apply to flex/grid items, we need to inherit them "up" from the table to the table-wrapper-box, or else they won't be visible to the container from a child that has display:table.

Technically, the CSS2 spec has a strict whitelist of properties that get this special treatment.  However, it seems UAs have interoperably agreed that "align-self" is one exception to this whitelist -- and we added a few more exceptions in bug 1306106.

Filing this bug on considering adding the "flex" subproperties to the list of properties that get inherited to table-wrapper. This might be tricky, since it seems like *none* of Chrome/Edge/Firefox do this right now.  But we perhaps should, for "display:table" elements to actually be useful as flex items.

I filed as a spec issue on this, too. I'm tentatively having this block bug 1055888 (for flexbox spec changes) since I anticipate that this might be a spec change.
See Also: → 1306106
Mass wontfix for bugs affecting firefox 52.
Priority: -- → P3
Relatedly: when we're checking for "min-width:auto" vs. not-auto, we should probably be checking the table box rather than its wrapper box (since the wrapper will always have default "min-width:auto" and there's no way for the author to override this).

Mats, given that bug 1673006 propagated flex subproperties to the table-wrapper box, should we dup this bug over it? And it seems comment 2 can be addressed by bug 1674302, doesn't it?

Flags: needinfo?(mats)

Yes, those bugs covers the issues mentioned in this bug.

Closed: 4 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(mats)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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