Closed Bug 1320442 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Port notification (doorhanger) changes from Bug 1315236 to Seamonkey


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(seamonkey2.49esr unaffected, seamonkey2.50? fixed)

Tracking Status
seamonkey2.49esr --- unaffected
seamonkey2.50 ? fixed


(Reporter: frg, Assigned: philip.chee)



(Keywords: regression, useless-UI)


(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

In toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/notification.dtd string variables were added which. SeaMonkey currently uses a copy of this file (why its identical?) in suite\locales\en-US\chrome\common\notification.dtd The new variables need to be added or you will see erros in the log and add-on notifications do work.
I looked at suite\common\bindings\notification.xml and don't think anything else is needed but could you check.
Attachment #8814548 - Flags: feedback?(philip.chee)
Attachment #8814548 - Flags: feedback?(iann_bugzilla)
Error without patch: Timestamp: 11/26/2016 12:02:38 PM Error: XML Parsing Error: undefined entity Location: jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files/SeaMonkey/omni.ja!/chrome/toolkit/content/global/bindings/notification.xml Line Number 531, Column 9: Source File: jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files/SeaMonkey/omni.ja!/chrome/toolkit/content/global/bindings/notification.xml Line: 531, Column: 9 Source Code: <xul:button anonid="button"
Comment on attachment 8814548 [details] [diff] [review] 1320442-NotificationStrings.patch (In reply to Frank-Rainer Grahl from comment #0) > In toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/notification.dtd > > string variables were added which. SeaMonkey currently uses a copy of this > file (why its identical?) in > > suite\locales\en-US\chrome\common\notification.dtd > > The new variables need to be added or you will see erros in the log and > add-on notifications do work. The right thing to do is to remove the override in /suite/locales/ % override chrome://global/locale/notification.dtd chrome://communicator/locale/notification.dtd And then edit /suite/common/bindings/notification.xml Change: <!DOCTYPE bindings [ <!ENTITY % notificationDTD SYSTEM "chrome://global/locale/notification.dtd"> %notificationDTD; ]> to <!DOCTYPE bindings [ <!ENTITY % communicatorDTD SYSTEM "chrome://communicator/locale/notification.dtd"> %communicatorDTD; <!ENTITY % globalDTD SYSTEM "chrome://global/locale/notification.dtd"> %globalDTD; ]> This way anything missing in chrome://communicator/locale/notification.dtd will fall through to the toolkit version and we can stop chasing toolkit. See how /suite/common/bindings/prefwindow.xml does it as an example. (The formatting in prefwindow makes things clearer at the expense of line length. > <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (closeNotificationItem.label): This entity is used > to replace the Toolkit default closeNotificationItem.label ("Not Now") > which is ambiguous in some cases. Thus, make sure to select a phrase > that clearly relates to closing the current doorhanger. --> We should also find out where the toolkit "Not Now" string went since &closeNotificationItem.label; doesn't seem to exist in mozilla-central any more.
Attachment #8814548 - Flags: feedback?(philip.chee) → feedback-
Attached image Capture.PNG
>> We should also find out where the toolkit "Not Now" string went since >> &closeNotificationItem.label; doesn't seem to exist in mozilla-central any more. Good catch. I didn't notice this one. It was removed in Bug 1282768. I think Bug 1267604 mentioned there is why the add-on notifications now look so ugly.
rsx11m, could you look at this one. Still not firm with xbl and css and it seems to properly fix it 3 bugs need to be ported/merged. Otherwise can do it later but would like to poke at 2 other bugs first which affect 2.49.
Flags: needinfo?(
Bug 1322824 (both observed issues) is NOT (no longer) reproducible with Server-Installation of unofficial (by FRG) en-US SeaMonkey 2.50a1 (NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0 Build 20161211141438 (Default Classic Theme) on German WIN7 64bit
WIP patch. Will spin off a new bug or bugs to port Bug 1282768 and Bug 1267604
Assignee: nobody → philip.chee
Attachment #8818057 - Flags: feedback?(frgrahl)
Working patch. Will spin off a new bug or bugs to port Bug 1282768 and Bug 1267604
Attachment #8818057 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8818057 - Flags: feedback?(frgrahl)
Attachment #8818267 - Flags: feedback?(frgrahl)
Comment on attachment 8818267 [details] [diff] [review] Fixed Patch v1.1 don't override toolkit notification.dtd instead use both in notification.xml errors in the log are gone with the patch.
Attachment #8818267 - Flags: feedback?(frgrahl) → feedback+
Summary: Port notification changes from Bug 1315236 to Seamonkey → Port notification (doorhanger) changes from Bug 1315236 to Seamonkey
IIUC, this is the bug for the recent "empty doorhangers" regression, a nasty one IMO.
Severity: normal → major
OS: Unspecified → All
Hardware: Unspecified → All
Version: unspecified → Trunk
See Also: → 1323494
(In reply to Philip Chee from comment #9) > Working patch. Will spin off a new bug or bugs to port Bug 1282768 and Bug 1267604 I filed Bug 1323494 for these.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → seamonkey2.50
Attachment #8814548 - Flags: feedback?(iann_bugzilla)
There must be something else (CSS variables?) I still see empty doorhangers (in about:addons, which is where I usually see doorhangers) UA:"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0 SeaMonkey/2.52a1" ID:20170310003001 en-US c-c:245528202a53a82b14d1a17fa5458d23d6cc6c07 m-c:35398cae65c1526ce45c23a5f8b5568c5ada4762
Flags: needinfo?(
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