Closed Bug 1320547 Opened 8 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Allow bookmarks to launch multiple pages


(Firefox :: Bookmarks & History, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: u552789, Unassigned)


I think it would be really useful if Firefox allowed you to have bookmarks which open multiple pages. So for instance, I have 3 news sites I read on a regular basis, however I don't want to have to open each one manually even if it's through 3 bookmarks, I also don't want to have them as startup pages.

So what would be really useful for me would be just one bookmark titles something like "News" which upon being clicked would open 3 separate tabs in the specified order of the pages.

I am sure that there would be many uses for this and that others would also find it useful.

I initially made the suggestion here: However I thought I should also do so upstream.
"Bookmark All Tabs" to folder and mouse middle-click the folder can achieve this.
I don't have a mouse, only a touchpad so I have to go into the right-click menu for this option. It would be easier in this case for one to be able to configure it so that just clicking on the folder has the default action of opening all of its bookmarks.
if you open the folder, it has an Open all in Tab at the bottom.
I think it's not a frequently enough requested feature to be worth a special setting, I'm also not sure how we'd distinguish opening contents from showing them.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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