Open Bug 1325884 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Container tabs should have options for separate history and URL completion


(Firefox :: Security, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox53 --- affected
firefox57 --- wontfix


(Reporter: bj, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [userContextId])

As a user of container tabs I want visit different sites in different containers. The full history and URL completion show me context I don't want outside of the container.

I would like:
* The ability to filter history by the current container (or across all containers).
* URL completion identifying the container the URL was used in, and putting the options based on the current container first.
See Also: → 1325874
I want the global history across all containers. Although the bug description already explains about such options, making it explicit in the bug summary.
Summary: Container tabs should have separate history and URL completion → Container tabs should have options for separate history and URL completion
The awesomebar search results are a front-end feature, not actually related to DOM: Security platform code. We will probably need to tag global history entries with container information to make bug 1325874 work and this couldn't be implemented until after that.
Component: DOM: Security → Security
Product: Core → Firefox
Whiteboard: [userContextId]
Priority: -- → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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