Closed Bug 1328007 Opened 8 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Inspector sidebar - animation is broken


(DevTools :: Inspector, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: arni2033, Unassigned, Mentored)


(Keywords: good-first-bug, regression, regressionwindow-wanted)


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

>>> My Info: Win7_64, Nightly 53, 32bit, ID 20161219030207 (2016-12-19) STR_1: 1. Switch inspector to vertical mode (not equal to docking devtools to right side) 2. Click button to hide inspector sidebar AR: Sidebar resizes diagonally: to the bottom and right ER: Sidebar should resize normally: to the bottom This is a regression. Nightly 2016-05-26 is unaffected, Nightly 2016-12-19 is affected.
Component: Untriaged → Developer Tools: Animation Inspector
No longer blocks: 1277113
Honza: maybe you know what's happening here? This might be related to the new sidebar/splitter components, or some related changes done after that. The sidebar does hide correctly, but in vertical mode, it also expands weirdly to the right as it hides. Not a big deal, but this also might be an easy fix.
Component: Developer Tools: Animation Inspector → Developer Tools: Inspector
Flags: needinfo?(odvarko)
Priority: -- → P3
I did some analysis here: 1) The code responsible for side panel animation (not only in the Inspector but, also in Network and WebAudio panels, it's been also used be the old Debugger UI) is in ViewHelpers: The problem seems to be the fact that both 'height' and 'width' attributes are set no matter if the panel should be animated horizontally or vertically (e.g. to the bottom). And I think it wasn't the case before refactoring (XUL -> HTML) so, this could be the breaking change. For the bottom animation the width attribute is definitely not necessary and if it's 0 the problem is fixed. We can pass custom and correct: width and height values through flags into the method and use it instead of the values from HTML attributes (if they are available). This was we could preserve back comp. @Julian: how does this sound to you? To sum, ViewHelpers.togglePane() method is used: 1) Old Debugger UI -> not needed anymore 2) Inspector panel 3) Network panel 4) WebAudio panel Honza
Flags: needinfo?(odvarko) → needinfo?(jdescottes)
(In reply to Jan Honza Odvarko [:Honza] from comment #2) > I did some analysis here: > > 1) The code responsible for side panel animation (not only in the Inspector > but, also in Network and WebAudio panels, it's been also used be the old > Debugger UI) is in ViewHelpers: > > 13603af3862d9583ed2feefb06e0988c2d7fed8c/devtools/client/shared/widgets/view- > helpers.js#286 > > The problem seems to be the fact that both 'height' and 'width' attributes > are set no matter if the panel should be animated horizontally or vertically > (e.g. to the bottom). And I think it wasn't the case before refactoring (XUL > -> HTML) so, this could be the breaking change. > > For the bottom animation the width attribute is definitely not necessary and > if it's 0 the problem is fixed. We can pass custom and correct: width and > height values through flags into the method and use it instead of the values > from HTML attributes (if they are available). This was we could preserve > back comp. > > @Julian: how does this sound to you? > The "width" and "height" are read from attributes programmatically set on the panel from inspector.js. So this acts kind of like flags already. We could set width to 0 when resizing in vertical mode (and potentially height to 0 when resizing in horizontal mode) This fixes the issue described in this bug, but introduces a regression with the following STRs: - resize inspector to vertical mode - collapse the sidebar - resize inspector to horizontal mode - expand the sidebar => no animation. Even when toggling in vertical mode, we need a correct negative margin-left/right in case we switch back to horizontal mode. The complete fix for this would be to : - set the margin-bottom _before_ the animation - set the margin-left/right _after_ the animation (and vice-versa when resizing in horizontal mode) I think this logic should be in view-helpers, so we'll need to test the impact in all panels mentioned above. I would also like view-helpers to measure the height/width needed for collapsing rather than forcing callers to set attributes on the element. Which means callers might have to tell view-helpers the direction of the toggling. A simpler fix is to add the following rule to inspector.css: > #inspector-splitter-box .vert .controlled { > width: 100%; > } This avoids negative margins having any impact when in vertical mode. I see you set good-first-bug on this, I'll set myself as mentor. Just a heads up, the easiest solution to implement is the CSS one by far, and much more suited to a good first bug :)
Mentor: jdescottes
Flags: needinfo?(jdescottes)
Got confused between horizontal and vertical :) the selector should be : > #inspector-splitter-box .horz .controlled
Can i work on this bug?
I would like to work on this bug.
George: I am assigning the bug to you if you are still interested! Sorry for missing your question earlier. You can use the "Need more information" box to make sure people get notifications about your question :) Some pointers to get started on devtools at or I hinted at two solutions in comment 3, if you go for the complicated one, don't hesitate to ping me if you need any help! (Sorry amanaryan23, but since George asked first, I should check if they still want to work on this. You can find other good first bugs to get started with devtools on . Sorry again!)
Assignee: nobody → georgeveneeldogga
Flags: needinfo?(georgeveneeldogga)
Thank you. I'm working on this. :)
Flags: needinfo?(georgeveneeldogga)
Attached patch V1.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Proceeded according to Method 1. Sorry I was late. I was busy in academics.
Attachment #8837991 - Flags: review?(jdescottes)
Comment on attachment 8837991 [details] [diff] [review] V1.patch Review of attachment 8837991 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- This patch doesn't fix the issue, pay attention to comment 4 :) (my selector was wrong in comment 3) ::: devtools/client/themes/inspector.css @@ +214,4 @@ > width: 100%; > } > > +#inspector-splitter-box .vert .controlled { Let's add a comment above this new rule @@ +215,5 @@ > } > > +#inspector-splitter-box .vert .controlled { > + width: 100%; > + } nit: remove extra space
Attachment #8837991 - Flags: review?(jdescottes)
Attached patch Final PatchSplinter Review
Attachment #8837991 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8843530 - Flags: review?(jdescottes)
Comment on attachment 8843530 [details] [diff] [review] Final Patch Review of attachment 8843530 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Selector is still incorrect, this should be > #inspector-splitter-box .horz .controlled Pay attention to the spaces. Did you test your patch locally? Also you did not address the comments from the previous review (adding a comment, removing the extra space before "}") ::: devtools/client/themes/inspector.css @@ +215,5 @@ > } > > +#inspector-splitter-box.horz.controlled { > + width: 100%; > + } remove the extra space before "}"
Attachment #8843530 - Flags: review?(jdescottes) → review-
Product: Firefox → DevTools

Resetting the assignee field as there has been no activity over the past 2 years.
Feel free to pick this up and start from where this was left off.

Assignee: georgeveneeldogga → nobody

(In reply to Patrick Brosset <:pbro> from comment #13)

Resetting the assignee field as there has been no activity over the past 2 years.
Feel free to pick this up and start from where this was left off.

hi :) I am an Outreachy Applicant. Can you please assign this bug to me?

Hello! I am applying for this Outreachy round and I am looking for bugs/issues I could help with to learn as much as possible. Can I still help with this bug? Or maybe could you assign me another good-first-bug I could work with?

Thank you Shivani and Helenatxu for your interest, but it looks like I should have paid more attention to what the bug really was last week. I removed the assignee because it had been 2 years with no activity, but I did not check if the bug was still valid. Turns out it isn't.
There is no animation when collapsing the sidebar in the inspector anymore. Plus you can't hide the sidebar entirely anymore either. So this bug does not occur.
I'll close this.

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Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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