Closed Bug 1328879 Opened 7 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Allow alternative source languages in new project configuration


(Webtools Graveyard :: Pontoon, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gueroJeff, Unassigned)


Many projects will be coming through in 2017 that will have en-US as the target language, not the source language. The new project configuration dialogue should allow admins to specify the source language, in a similar way that it allows definition of a project's target languages.
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: Alternate source languages in new project configuration → AAlternative source languages in new project configuration
Summary: AAlternative source languages in new project configuration → Allow alternative source languages in new project configuration
(In reply to Jeff Beatty [:gueroJeff] from comment #0)
> Many projects will be coming through in 2017 that will have en-US as the
> target language, not the source language. The new project configuration
> dialogue should allow admins to specify the source language, in a similar
> way that it allows definition of a project's target languages.

Do you have examples to make it more clear what we need to do? Is this about detecting localizable resources in a project?

If so, are there things missing from to allow that? In particular, in the new config, we hard-code the reference file patterns, but not the locale code that's used for it.
Flags: needinfo?(jbeatty)
I have two use cases:

1) The German agency will be creating original content in German with the potential desire for that content to be translated into other European languages. The same is true about Chinese source content coming out of Taipei.

2) About 7 existing, active localization communities are using an alternative source language as a turnkey for localizing Firefox and Fennec because they don't speak English. Azerbaijan started this way, and we've seen a large increase in the number of Spanish source language locales pop up due to the efforts of Mozilla Nativo.
Flags: needinfo?(jbeatty)
OK, so this bug is then about use case 1, and the second is bug 1380356.

For the German use case, I'm not convinced that we'll be able to achieve that without an intermediate English localization, which might combine this bug and bug 1380356 in practice. Not sure how the practical challenges will look for a suite of Chinese content.
True, we'll be very unlikely to find german<>chinese localizers, for example. currently, however, English is the only allowable source language. So a system that allows, at minimum, the ability to localize from xx-XX<>English would be desirable.
I assume that we're talking past each other, due to different assumptions on what's the cause of the problem. Let's take that offline. For the sake of completeness, if "<>" says that we should do bidirectional editing on a single project, I disagree that we should do that.
There were different requests last year for xx-XX->en. I can see requests to make de available for other locales by going through de->en step first.  Same could be true for zh-TW->en.  I can see some content generated in Taipei could be relevant for the region.
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Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → MOVED
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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