Closed Bug 1328964 Opened 8 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Worklet should run in a separate thread.


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P3)

50 Branch



Tracking Status
firefox61 --- fixed


(Reporter: baku, Assigned: karlt)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)



(23 files, 11 obsolete files)

7.82 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
41.22 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
45.51 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
10.11 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
59 bytes, text/x-review-board-request
: review+
59 bytes, text/x-review-board-request
: review+
59 bytes, text/x-review-board-request
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: review+
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59 bytes, text/x-review-board-request
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59 bytes, text/x-review-board-request
: review+
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59 bytes, text/x-review-board-request
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59 bytes, text/x-review-board-request
59 bytes, text/x-review-board-request
59 bytes, text/x-review-board-request
59 bytes, text/x-review-board-request
This is still an intermediate state for the final design of worklet. Currently worklets run on the main-thread. This step is about having a separate worklet thread.
Assignee: nobody → amarchesini
Attachment #8824173 - Flags: review?(bugs)
Attached patch part 2 - WorkletThread (obsolete) — — Splinter Review
This patch works, but it crashes on shutdown.
Attachment #8824174 - Flags: feedback?(bugs)
Attached patch part 3 - Console API exposed to workers (obsolete) — — Splinter Review
Attachment #8824175 - Flags: review?(bugs)
Comment on attachment 8824174 [details] [diff] [review] part 2 - WorkletThread I tried to see why the sScriptSettingsTLS stack isn't empty, but couldn't. Or are we getting bogus value from sScriptSettingsTLS.get()?
Attachment #8824174 - Flags: feedback?(bugs)
Attachment #8824173 - Flags: review?(bugs) → review+
Comment on attachment 8824175 [details] [diff] [review] part 3 - Console API exposed to workers Can I review this after the main patch is working, in case fixes to it also change this one.
Attachment #8824175 - Flags: review?(bugs)
Blocks: 1329166
Attached patch part 2 - WorkletThread — — Splinter Review
Attachment #8824174 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8828881 - Flags: review?(bugs)
Attachment #8824175 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8828882 - Flags: review?(bugs)
Attachment #8824173 - Attachment description: patch 1 - Remove the window from worklet → part 1 - Remove the window from worklet
Comment on attachment 8828881 [details] [diff] [review] part 2 - WorkletThread > nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContextForThread() > { > MOZ_ASSERT(IsInitialized()); > if (MOZ_LIKELY(NS_IsMainThread())) { > return GetCurrentJSContext(); >- } else { >- return workers::GetCurrentThreadJSContext(); >- } >+ } >+ >+ if (WorkletThread::IsOnWorkletThread()) { >+ return WorkletThread::Get()->GetJSContext(); >+ } >+ >+ return workers::GetCurrentThreadJSContext(); This looks a bit ugly, especially given what IsOnWorkletThread does. Couldn't you just use CycleCollectedJSContext::Get()->Context(); here, though since workers seem to have special handling, perhaps add a flag to CycleCollectedJSContext to tell it is shutting down and then rename Context() to GetContext() and make it return null during shutdown. CycleCollectedJSContext might be useful also to implement IsOnWorkletThread. Perhaps CycleCollectedJSContext could have enum to describe the type of the thread it is attached to, and then in IsOnWorkletThread do something like CycleCollectedJSContext* ccjc = CycleCollectedJSContext::Get(); return ccjs && ccjs->IsWorkletThread() >+ >+ JS::CompileOptions compileOptions(cx); >+ compileOptions.setIntroductionType("Worklet"); >+ compileOptions.setFileAndLine(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mHandler->URL()).get(), 0); >+ compileOptions.setVersion(JSVERSION_DEFAULT); >+ compileOptions.setIsRunOnce(true); >+ >+ // We only need the setNoScriptRval bit when compiling off-thread here, >+ // since otherwise nsJSUtils::EvaluateString will set it up for us. Unrelated comment. You aren't using nsJSUtils >+struct WorkletPrincipal final : public JSPrincipals >+{ >+ bool write(JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneWriter* aWriter) override { { goes to its own line. >+ >+ void >+ DispatchToMicroTask(already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> aRunnable) override >+ { >+ RefPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable(aRunnable); >+ >+ MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); >+ MOZ_ASSERT(runnable); >+ >+ WorkletThread* workletThread = WorkletThread::Get(); >+ MOZ_ASSERT(workletThread); >+ >+ JSContext* cx = workletThread->GetJSContext(); >+ MOZ_ASSERT(cx); >+ >+ JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(cx, JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx)); >+ MOZ_ASSERT(global); Could you put all these assertions and such inside #ifdef DEBUG, since .push() is really the only real functionality the method has. >+WorkletThread::RunEventLoop(JSContext* aParentContext) >+{ >+ MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); >+ >+ PR_SetCurrentThreadName("worklet"); >+ >+ WorkletJSContext context(this); >+ nsresult rv = context.Initialize(aParentContext); >+ if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { >+ // TODO: error propagation >+ return; >+ } >+ >+ // FIXME: JS_SetDefaultLocale >+ // FIXME: JSSettings >+ // FIXME: JS_SetNativeStackQuota >+ // FIXME: JS_SetSecurityCallbacks >+ // FIXME: JS::SetAsmJSCacheOps >+ // FIXME: JS::SetAsyncTaskCallbacks >+ // FIXME: JS_AddInterruptCallback >+ // FIXME: JS::SetCTypesActivityCallback >+ // FIXME: JS_SetGCZeal File a bug for the FIXME part >+WorkletThread::IsOnWorkletThread() >+{ >+ const char* threadName = PR_GetThreadName(PR_GetCurrentThread()); >+ return threadName && !strcmp(threadName, "worklet"); >+} So as I said earlier, I think we can do better than this, and rely on CCJSContext This is mostly good, though it is a bit annoying that so much is copied from workers. Could you fix the nits, possibly in a separate patch and I think we need so clean ups after this has landed to consolidate worker and worklet code when possible. r+, if there is that followup patch
Attachment #8828881 - Flags: review?(bugs) → review+
Comment on attachment 8828882 [details] [diff] [review] part 3 - Console API exposed to worklets These "move tons of code and do also changes" patches are so difficult to review. Please do code moves first and then modifications in separate patches. Close to impossible patch to review, so I don't have great trust on the review quality. Most of the patch is code move, but there is also other stuff... >+ // We don't need to set a parent object in mCallData bacause there are not because
Attachment #8828882 - Flags: review?(bugs) → review+
If a worklet script hangs ( while(true); ), does it get killed?
Blocks: 1333412
Attachment #8829914 - Flags: review?(bugs)
(In reply to Olli Pettay [:smaug] from comment #10) > If a worklet script hangs ( while(true); ), does it get killed? Not yet. This must be implemented.
Comment on attachment 8829914 [details] [diff] [review] part 2 - WorkletThread - second part >+ virtual JSContext* GetWorkerWorkletSafeContext() const >+ { >+ MOZ_CRASH("This method should be override in Worklet and Worker code."); >+ return nullptr; >+ } >+ What if this method returns Context() by default. Then nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContextForThread() could just always return CycleCollectedJSContext::Get()->GetWorkerWorkletSafeContext(); And add a comment then in nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContextForThread() why it is being called. (I still wonder what could be better name for GetWorkerWorkletSafeContext. I know I suggested it, but something more generic name which hints about shutdown of the thread would be better)
Attachment #8829914 - Flags: review?(bugs) → review+
Assuming P3 due to lack of recent activity. Feel free to correct me.
Priority: -- → P3
Karl, thanks for taking this. I'm uploading baku's patches rebased to reviewboard. There's been some serious bitrot, but I tried to put fix-ups in separate patches to leave the originals alone as much as possible. Still, earlier reviews probably need to be redone due to age. - Last I tried these patches months ago, I still got GC crashes. There's also a chance I messed something up by rebasing them.
Assignee: amarchesini → karlt
Comment on attachment 8928213 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 2 - WorkletThread C/C++ static analysis found 11 defects in this patch. You can run this analysis locally with: `./mach static-analysis check path/to/file.cpp` ::: dom/worklet/Worklet.cpp:43 (Diff revision 1) > + { > + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); > + } > + > + NS_IMETHOD > + Run() override; Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ::: dom/worklet/Worklet.cpp:223 (Diff revision 1) > return NS_OK; > } > > // Moving the ownership of the buffer > - JS::SourceBufferHolder buffer(scriptTextBuf, scriptTextLength, > - JS::SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership); > + nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable = > + new ExecutionRunnable(this, mWorklet->Type(), scriptTextBuf, Error: Variable of type 'mozilla::dom::executionrunnable' only valid on the stack [clang-tidy: mozilla-scope] ::: dom/worklet/Worklet.cpp:223 (Diff revision 1) > return NS_OK; > } > > // Moving the ownership of the buffer > - JS::SourceBufferHolder buffer(scriptTextBuf, scriptTextLength, > - JS::SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership); > + nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable = > + new ExecutionRunnable(this, mWorklet->Type(), scriptTextBuf, Error: Variable of type 'mozilla::dom::executionrunnable' only valid on the stack [clang-tidy: mozilla-scope] ::: dom/worklet/Worklet.cpp:223 (Diff revision 1) > return NS_OK; > } > > // Moving the ownership of the buffer > - JS::SourceBufferHolder buffer(scriptTextBuf, scriptTextLength, > - JS::SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership); > + nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable = > + new ExecutionRunnable(this, mWorklet->Type(), scriptTextBuf, Error: Variable of type 'mozilla::dom::executionrunnable' only valid on the stack [clang-tidy: mozilla-scope] ::: dom/worklet/Worklet.cpp:223 (Diff revision 1) > return NS_OK; > } > > // Moving the ownership of the buffer > - JS::SourceBufferHolder buffer(scriptTextBuf, scriptTextLength, > - JS::SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership); > + nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable = > + new ExecutionRunnable(this, mWorklet->Type(), scriptTextBuf, Error: Variable of type 'mozilla::dom::executionrunnable' only valid on the stack [clang-tidy: mozilla-scope] ::: dom/worklet/Worklet.cpp:223 (Diff revision 1) > return NS_OK; > } > > // Moving the ownership of the buffer > - JS::SourceBufferHolder buffer(scriptTextBuf, scriptTextLength, > - JS::SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership); > + nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable = > + new ExecutionRunnable(this, mWorklet->Type(), scriptTextBuf, Error: Variable of type 'mozilla::dom::executionrunnable' only valid on the stack [clang-tidy: mozilla-scope] ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:58 (Diff revision 1) > + MOZ_ASSERT(mWorkletThread); > + return mWorkletThread; > + } > + > +private: > + WorkletThreadContextPrivate(const WorkletThreadContextPrivate&) = delete; Warning: Deleted member function should be public [clang-tidy: modernize-use-equals-delete] ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:59 (Diff revision 1) > + return mWorkletThread; > + } > + > +private: > + WorkletThreadContextPrivate(const WorkletThreadContextPrivate&) = delete; > + WorkletThreadContextPrivate& operator=(const WorkletThreadContextPrivate&) = delete; Warning: Deleted member function should be public [clang-tidy: modernize-use-equals-delete] ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:114 (Diff revision 1) > + MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); > + > + nsCycleCollector_startup(); > + } > + > + ~WorkletJSContext() Warning: Annotate this function with 'override' or (rarely) 'final' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ~WorkletJSContext() ^ override ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:234 (Diff revision 1) > + JS_GetParentContext(CycleCollectedJSContext::Get()->Context()); > + MOZ_ASSERT(mParentContext); > + } > + > + NS_IMETHOD > + Run() override Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:257 (Diff revision 1) > + MOZ_ASSERT(aWorkletThread); > + MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); > + } > + > + NS_IMETHOD > + Run() override Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override]
Comment on attachment 8928215 [details] Bug 1328964 - Split WorkletJSContext into WorkletJSRuntime to catch up w/bug 1343396. C/C++ static analysis found 7 defects in this patch. You can run this analysis locally with: `./mach static-analysis check path/to/file.cpp` ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:113 (Diff revision 1) > + explicit WorkletJSRuntime(JSContext* aCx) > + : CycleCollectedJSRuntime(aCx) > + { > + } > + > + ~WorkletJSRuntime() Warning: Annotate this function with 'override' or (rarely) 'final' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ~WorkletJSRuntime() ^ override ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:113 (Diff revision 1) > + explicit WorkletJSRuntime(JSContext* aCx) > + : CycleCollectedJSRuntime(aCx) > + { > + } > + > + ~WorkletJSRuntime() Warning: Use '= default' to define a trivial destructor [clang-tidy: modernize-use-equals-default] ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:118 (Diff revision 1) > + ~WorkletJSRuntime() > + { > + } > + > + virtual void > + PrepareForForgetSkippable() override Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:123 (Diff revision 1) > + PrepareForForgetSkippable() override > + { > + } > + > + virtual void > + BeginCycleCollectionCallback() override Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:128 (Diff revision 1) > + BeginCycleCollectionCallback() override > + { > + } > + > + virtual void > + EndCycleCollectionCallback(CycleCollectorResults &aResults) override Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:133 (Diff revision 1) > + EndCycleCollectionCallback(CycleCollectorResults &aResults) override > + { > + } > + > + virtual void > + DispatchDeferredDeletion(bool aContinuation, bool aPurge) override Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:140 (Diff revision 1) > + MOZ_ASSERT(!aContinuation); > + nsCycleCollector_doDeferredDeletion(); > + } > + > + virtual void > + CustomGCCallback(JSGCStatus aStatus) override Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override]
Comment on attachment 8928216 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 3 - Console API exposed to worklets C/C++ static analysis found 9 defects in this patch. You can run this analysis locally with: `./mach static-analysis check path/to/file.cpp` ::: dom/console/Console.cpp:321 (Diff revision 1) > -class ConsoleRunnable : public WorkerProxyToMainThreadRunnable > - , public StructuredCloneHolderBase > +// This base class must be extended for Worker and for Worklet. > +class ConsoleRunnable : public StructuredCloneHolderBase > { > public: > - explicit ConsoleRunnable(Console* aConsole) > + virtual > + ~ConsoleRunnable() Warning: Prefer using 'override' or (rarely) 'final' instead of 'virtual' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ~ConsoleRunnable() ^ override ::: dom/console/Console.cpp:562 (Diff revision 1) > + WorkletThread::AssertIsOnWorkletThread(); > + MOZ_ASSERT(mWorkletThread); > + } > + > + virtual > + ~ConsoleWorkletRunnable() = default; Warning: Prefer using 'override' or (rarely) 'final' instead of 'virtual' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ~ConsoleWorkletRunnable() = default; ^ override ::: dom/console/Console.cpp:565 (Diff revision 1) > + > + virtual > + ~ConsoleWorkletRunnable() = default; > + > + NS_IMETHOD > + Run() override Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ::: dom/console/Console.cpp:635 (Diff revision 1) > + WorkletThread::AssertIsOnWorkletThread(); > + MOZ_ASSERT(aCallData); > + aCallData->AssertIsOnOwningThread(); > + } > + > + ~ConsoleCallDataWorkletRunnable() Warning: Annotate this function with 'override' or (rarely) 'final' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ~ConsoleCallDataWorkletRunnable() ^ override ::: dom/console/Console.cpp:641 (Diff revision 1) > + { > + MOZ_ASSERT(!mCallData); > + } > + > + virtual void > + RunOnMainThread() override Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ::: dom/console/Console.cpp:666 (Diff revision 1) > + > + ProcessCallData(cx, mConsole, mCallData); > + } > + > + virtual void > + ReleaseData() override Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ::: dom/console/Console.cpp:685 (Diff revision 1) > : WorkerProxyToMainThreadRunnable(GetCurrentThreadWorkerPrivate()) > , mConsole(aConsole) > {} > > virtual > - ~ConsoleRunnable() > + ~ConsoleWorkerRunnable() = default; Warning: Prefer using 'override' or (rarely) 'final' instead of 'virtual' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ~ConsoleWorkerRunnable() = default; ^ override ::: dom/console/Console.cpp:822 (Diff revision 1) > mWorkerPrivate->AssertIsOnWorkerThread(); > mCallData->AssertIsOnOwningThread(); > } > > private: > - ~ConsoleCallDataRunnable() > + ~ConsoleCallDataWorkerRunnable() Warning: Annotate this function with 'override' or (rarely) 'final' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override] ~ConsoleCallDataWorkerRunnable() ^ override ::: dom/console/Console.cpp:941 (Diff revision 1) > + > + ProcessProfileData(cx, mConsole, mAction); > } > > - RefPtr<ConsoleCallData> mCallData; > + virtual void > + ReleaseData() override Warning: 'virtual' is redundant since the function is already declared 'override' [clang-tidy: modernize-use-override]
Depends on: 1442776
Comment on attachment 8928214 [details] Bug 1328964 - Add names to Runnables to make it compile. Thank you. I'll fold this into "part 2 - WorkletThread" before landing, so that each changeset compiles. ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:87 (Diff revision 1) > > JSObject* > Wrap(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleObject existing, JS::HandleObject obj) > { > if (existing) { > - js::Wrapper::Renew(cx, existing, obj, > + js::Wrapper::Renew(existing, obj, From merge of ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:272 (Diff revision 1) > - : nsThread(nsThread::NOT_MAIN_THREAD, kWorkletStackSize) > + : nsThread(MakeNotNull<ThreadEventQueue<mozilla::EventQueue>*>( > + MakeUnique<mozilla::EventQueue>()), > + nsThread::NOT_MAIN_THREAD, kWorkletStackSize) Consistent with WorkerThread changes
Attachment #8928214 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 8928215 [details] Bug 1328964 - Split WorkletJSContext into WorkletJSRuntime to catch up w/bug 1343396. I'll fold this also into "part 2 - WorkletThread" before landing. Also includes merge with (Looks like the shutdown order with CC and CustomGCCallback was already broken. I'll fix that separately.)
Attachment #8928215 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 8928217 [details] Bug 1328964 - Name one more Runnable to make it compile. I'll fold this into "part 3 - Console API exposed to worklets" before landing, so that each changeset compiles.
Attachment #8928217 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 8928212 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 1 - Remove the window from worklet Reviewed the rebase from Nothing remarkable.
Attachment #8928212 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 8928213 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 2 - WorkletThread Reviewed the rebase from ::: dom/worklet/Worklet.h:55 (Diff revision 1) > WorkletGlobalScope* > GetOrCreateGlobalScope(JSContext* aCx); Dropped the removal of this declaration, somehow. The implementation is removed in this patch. I'll restore removal of the declaration. ::: dom/worklet/Worklet.cpp (Diff revision 1) > - > - JS::Rooted<JSObject*> globalObj(cx, globalScope->GetGlobalJSObject()); > - > - (void) new XPCWrappedNativeScope(cx, globalObj); > - > - NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 url(mURL); A bad merge conflict resolution dropped I'll add that.
Attachment #8928213 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 8928218 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 4 - WorkletThread - second part Reviewed rebase from ::: commit-message-9c83e:1 (Diff revision 1) > +Bug 1328964 - part 4 - WorkletThread - second part I think I'll move this back between parts 2 and 3. Folding with part 2 may even reduce some churn. ::: dom/workers/RuntimeService.cpp (Diff revision 1) > - WorkerPrivate* wp = GetCurrentThreadWorkerPrivate(); > - if (!wp) { > - return nullptr; > - } > - return wp->GetJSContext(); I doubt the conflict with this changeset was resolved correctly. I assume the !wp check should move to GetWorkerWorkletSafeContext(). Does nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContextForThread() need a null check on CycleCollectedJSContext::Get()?
Attachment #8928218 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 8958720 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 1 - Remove the window from worklet This adds Andrea's other patches on top of part 1 rebased to a parent revision where the other patches apply cleanly. Reviewboard detects some of the moved code, but doesn't do as well as I hoped.
Comment on attachment 8928216 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 3 - Console API exposed to worklets ::: dom/console/Console.cpp (Diff revision 1) > - if (NS_WARN_IF(!argumentsObj)) { > - return; > - } I think the conflict with should be resolved by moving this to ProcessProfileData() with the surrounding code.
Attachment #8928216 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 8928218 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 4 - WorkletThread - second part > I doubt the conflict with this changeset was resolved correctly. > > > I assume the !wp check should move to GetWorkerWorkletSafeContext(). > > Does nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContextForThread() need a null check on CycleCollectedJSContext::Get()? This patch is changing WorkerRunnables from calling GetCurrentThreadJSContext() to calling nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContextForThread(). assumed that this call can happen after this point in killing WorkerPrivate::DoRunLoop() The crash stack does not show WorkerThreadPrimaryRunnable on the stack, and so its WorkerJSContext would now have gone out of scope. That means that GetCurrentJSContextForThread() needs to null check on CycleCollectedJSContext::Get(). GetWorkerWorkletSafeContext() could not be called in that situation because the WorkerJSContext no longer exists. GetWorkerPrivateFromContext() can not return null from WorkerJSContext::GetWorkerWorkletSafeContext() because the context private is not cleared until the WorkerJSContext destructor, and so no null check is required in GetWorkerWorkletSafeContext() (as indicated by the assert).
Comment on attachment 8958720 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 1 - Remove the window from worklet This is exactly the same code as revision 7a1e7727c7b6 from Jan-Ivar's rebase, but I moved "WorkletThread - second part" to before "part 3 - Console API eposed to worklets".
Comment on attachment 8958720 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 1 - Remove the window from worklet This is essentially rebased to the same parent revision c616a6fd5e4b20cca139fcdd3957682afaa862b9 as Jan-Ivar's rebase, but the result is a little different. The differences are itemized in separate patches. I've asked Jan-Ivar to review these parts associated with the merges he performed. (Then I'll fold them into four parts corresponding to those that Andrea wrote, address Olli's outstanding review comments, and add the other parts that are necessary to land this. I'll ask Andrea for review on rebases across his recent refactorings.)
Comment on attachment 8960061 [details] Bug 1328964 - Split WorkletJSContext into WorkletJSRuntime to catch up w/bug 1343396. Code analysis found 1 defect in this patch: - 1 defect found by clang-tidy You can run this analysis locally with: - `./mach static-analysis check path/to/file.cpp` (C/C++) If you see a problem in this automated review, please report it here: ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:113 (Diff revision 1) > + explicit WorkletJSRuntime(JSContext* aCx) > + : CycleCollectedJSRuntime(aCx) > + { > + } > + > + ~WorkletJSRuntime() Warning: Use '= default' to define a trivial destructor [clang-tidy: modernize-use-equals-default]
Comment on attachment 8960067 [details] bug 1328964 restore removal of declaration for non-existant Worklet::GetOrCreateGlobalScope()
Attachment #8960067 - Flags: review?(jib) → review+
Attachment #8960068 - Flags: review?(jib) → review+
Comment on attachment 8960069 [details] bug 1328964 restore fix for crash in runnable after thread shutdown bug 1315446
Attachment #8960069 - Flags: review?(jib) → review+
Attachment #8960060 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8960061 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8960062 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8960067 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8960068 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8960069 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8960070 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 8958720 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 1 - Remove the window from worklet Push dc616c18f69d (which took 4m57s) is the same code as in push 64b42a345dcb, but the various changes required for the rebases are folded into four revisions (which compile separately) corresponding to the original patches from Andrea.
Comment on attachment 8958720 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 1 - Remove the window from worklet Push 3248688a1ad6 is a rebase onto a recent revision 83de58ddda20.
(In reply to Olli Pettay [:smaug] (only webcomponents and event handling reviews, please) from comment #8) > Comment on attachment 8828881 [details] [diff] [review] > part 2 - WorkletThread > > > nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContextForThread() > > { > > MOZ_ASSERT(IsInitialized()); > > if (MOZ_LIKELY(NS_IsMainThread())) { > > return GetCurrentJSContext(); > >- } else { > >- return workers::GetCurrentThreadJSContext(); > >- } > >+ } > >+ > >+ if (WorkletThread::IsOnWorkletThread()) { > >+ return WorkletThread::Get()->GetJSContext(); > >+ } > >+ > >+ return workers::GetCurrentThreadJSContext(); > This looks a bit ugly, especially given what IsOnWorkletThread does. > Couldn't you just use CycleCollectedJSContext::Get()->Context(); here, though > since workers seem to have special handling, perhaps add a flag to > CycleCollectedJSContext to tell it is shutting down and then rename > Context() to GetContext() and make it return null > during shutdown. (In reply to Olli Pettay [:smaug] (only webcomponents and event handling reviews, please) from comment #13) > Comment on attachment 8829914 [details] [diff] [review] > part 2 - WorkletThread - second part > > >+ virtual JSContext* GetWorkerWorkletSafeContext() const > >+ { > >+ MOZ_CRASH("This method should be override in Worklet and Worker code."); > >+ return nullptr; > >+ } > >+ > What if this method returns Context() by default. > Then nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContextForThread() could just always return > CycleCollectedJSContext::Get()->GetWorkerWorkletSafeContext(); > And add a comment then in nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContextForThread() why > it is being called. I can't see any callers of nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContextForThread() that shouldn't use Context(), and so I don't know of any good reason why Context() should not be used for workers. IsJSAPIActive() will return false when not in AutoJSAPI, and so should be sufficient to detect if there are any callers after WorkerPrivate::DoRunLoop() has returned.
Comment on attachment 8958720 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 1 - Remove the window from worklet Push 882f5bcb9807 removes the nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContextForThread() / GetWorkerWorkletSafeContext() changes addressing the first paragraph of comment 8, because comment 13 is requesting a somewhat different approach. I'll address those separately. has the same patches as push 38a702c8b5da, but in a different order.
Attachment #8958720 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
Comment on attachment 8958721 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 2 - WorkletThread ::: dom/worklet/WorkletPrincipal.cpp:17 (Diff revision 4) > +namespace dom { > +namespace WorkletPrincipal { > + > +struct WorkletPrincipal final : public JSPrincipals > +{ > + bool write(JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneWriter* aWriter) override { { in a new line. ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:69 (Diff revision 4) > +}; > + > +// Helper functions > + > +bool > +PreserveWrapper(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj) * next to JSContext, and rename to aCx, aObj ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:84 (Diff revision 4) > +{ > + MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Worklet principals refcount should never fall below one"); > +} > + > +JSObject* > +Wrap(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleObject existing, JS::HandleObject obj) same here. aCx. aExisting, aObj and no space before * ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.cpp:128 (Diff revision 4) > + BeginCycleCollectionCallback() override > + { > + } > + > + virtual void > + EndCycleCollectionCallback(CycleCollectorResults &aResults) override & next to CycleCollectorResults
Attachment #8958721 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
Comment on attachment 8958722 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 2b - WorkletThread - second part You can probably merge this patch with the previous one.
Attachment #8958722 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
Comment on attachment 8958723 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 3 - Console API exposed to worklets ::: dom/console/Console.h:471 (Diff revision 5) > // This is used when Console is created and it's used only for JSM custom > // console instance. > mozilla::TimeStamp mCreationTimeStamp; > > friend class ConsoleCallData; > friend class ConsoleInstance; alphabetic order. ::: dom/worklet/Worklet.cpp:22 (Diff revision 5) > #include "mozilla/dom/Response.h" > #include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h" > #include "mozilla/dom/ScriptLoader.h" > #include "nsIInputStreamPump.h" > #include "nsIThreadRetargetableRequest.h" > +#include "mozilla/dom/DOMPrefs.h" alphabetic order.
Attachment #8958723 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
Attachment #8966467 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
Comment on attachment 8966479 [details] bug 1328964 use = default in WorkletGlobalScope and derived constructors
Attachment #8966479 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
Comment on attachment 8966480 [details] bug 1328964 add override to ~WorkletJSContext/Runtime and use = default
Attachment #8966480 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
Attachment #8966481 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
Comment on attachment 8966484 [details] bug 1328964 address modernize-use-override and modernize-use-equals-default
Attachment #8966484 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
Comment on attachment 8966485 [details] bug 1328964 don't try to cycle collect after worklet cycle collector has been shut down
Attachment #8966485 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
Comment on attachment 8966486 [details] bug 1328964 terminate worklet thread during xpcom shutdown ::: dom/worklet/WorkletThread.h:94 (Diff revision 1) > > // Touched only on the worklet thread. This is a raw pointer because it's set > // and nullified by RunEventLoop(). > JSContext* mJSContext; > + > + bool mIsTerminating = false; // main thread Initialize it in the CTOR.
Attachment #8966486 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
Comment on attachment 8966487 [details] bug 1328964 add CycleCollectedJSContext::IsSystemCaller() to make ThreadsafeIsSystemCaller() safe for worklets
Attachment #8966487 - Flags: review?(amarchesini) → review+
btw, thanks for finishing this!
Comment on attachment 8966482 [details] bug 1328964 add CycleCollectedJSContext::GetAsWorkletJSContext() and use it in IsOnWorkletThread() Don't know quite the context here, but looks fine.
Attachment #8966482 - Flags: review?(bugs) → review+
Comment on attachment 8966483 [details] bug 1328964 use nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContext() on all threads this does change the handling of Get*JSContext() but should be fine. And consistency is good.
Attachment #8966483 - Flags: review?(bugs) → review+
Comment on attachment 8966484 [details] bug 1328964 address modernize-use-override and modernize-use-equals-default > Warning: Use '= default' to define a trivial destructor [clang-tidy: modernize-use-equals-default] > Warning: Use '= default' to define a trivial destructor [clang-tidy: modernize-use-equals-default] > Warning: Use '= default' to define a trivial destructor [clang-tidy: modernize-use-equals-default]
Comment on attachment 8966482 [details] bug 1328964 add CycleCollectedJSContext::GetAsWorkletJSContext() and use it in IsOnWorkletThread() Yes, it has been a while. This addresses the second paragraph of Thank you, smaug and baku, for the reviews.
Attachment #8966467 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8958722 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 8958720 [details] Bug 1328964 - part 1 - Remove the window from worklet Code analysis found 4 defects in this patch: - 4 defects found by clang-tidy You can run this analysis locally with: - `./mach static-analysis check path/to/file.cpp` (C/C++) If you see a problem in this automated review, please report it here: ::: dom/worklet/AudioWorkletGlobalScope.cpp:14 (Diff revision 6) > #include "mozilla/dom/FunctionBinding.h" > > namespace mozilla { > namespace dom { > > -AudioWorkletGlobalScope::AudioWorkletGlobalScope(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow) > +AudioWorkletGlobalScope::AudioWorkletGlobalScope() Warning: Use '= default' to define a trivial default constructor [clang-tidy: modernize-use-equals-default] ::: dom/worklet/AudioWorkletGlobalScope.cpp:14 (Diff revision 6) > #include "mozilla/dom/FunctionBinding.h" > > namespace mozilla { > namespace dom { > > -AudioWorkletGlobalScope::AudioWorkletGlobalScope(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow) > +AudioWorkletGlobalScope::AudioWorkletGlobalScope() Warning: Use '= default' to define a trivial default constructor [clang-tidy: modernize-use-equals-default] ::: dom/worklet/PaintWorkletGlobalScope.cpp:14 (Diff revision 6) > #include "mozilla/dom/FunctionBinding.h" > > namespace mozilla { > namespace dom { > > -PaintWorkletGlobalScope::PaintWorkletGlobalScope(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow) > +PaintWorkletGlobalScope::PaintWorkletGlobalScope() Warning: Use '= default' to define a trivial default constructor [clang-tidy: modernize-use-equals-default] ::: dom/worklet/PaintWorkletGlobalScope.cpp:14 (Diff revision 6) > #include "mozilla/dom/FunctionBinding.h" > > namespace mozilla { > namespace dom { > > -PaintWorkletGlobalScope::PaintWorkletGlobalScope(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow) > +PaintWorkletGlobalScope::PaintWorkletGlobalScope() Warning: Use '= default' to define a trivial default constructor [clang-tidy: modernize-use-equals-default]
Pushed by part 1 - Remove the window from worklet r=baku part 2 - WorkletThread r=baku part 3 - Console API exposed to worklets r=baku use = default in WorkletGlobalScope and derived constructors r=baku add override to ~WorkletJSContext/Runtime and use = default r=baku don't allocate SourceBufferHolder on the heap r=baku add CycleCollectedJSContext::GetAsWorkletJSContext() and use it in IsOnWorkletThread() r=smaug use nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContext() on all threads r=smaug address modernize-use-override and modernize-use-equals-default r=baku don't try to cycle collect after worklet cycle collector has been shut down r=baku terminate worklet thread during xpcom shutdown r=baku add CycleCollectedJSContext::IsSystemCaller() to make ThreadsafeIsSystemCaller() safe for worklets r=baku
No longer depends on: 1442776
Component: DOM → DOM: Core & HTML
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