Closed Bug 132938 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

put line break in the right place for nsMsgComposeAndSend::EnsureLineBreaks


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ftang, Assigned: bugzilla)



(Keywords: dataloss, intl, Whiteboard: [ADT2])


(3 files)

It looks like the line break insertion in nsMsgComposeAndSend::EnsureLineBreaks break Japanese plain text quote in html AND English plain text quote in html. Please correct the algorihtm so it won't insert line break in the wrong place. probably replace with space is ok . I think you should keep a record of last space character and when you hit the max line break, back up to the last space postion to generate line break.
this is blocking 129122 nhotta, could you please put down one test case of English message got wrap wrong and one Japanese got damange put intl and nsbeta1 into keyword
Blocks: 129122
Keywords: intl, nsbeta1
It looks like 129122 has a patch. Does that fix this bug, too?
Assignee: sspitzer → ducarroz
I think the case of quoted plain text in html we have will be fixed by the editor/content change. But other cases (e.g. by pasting long lines) will continue to have the problem.
Keywords: dataloss
Mail New team needs steps to reproduce problem.
nhotta, the message attached to this bug is one that shows the problem after a reply, can you attach the original message so we can see the problem happen when we do the reply. It will be needed to verify the fix too.
I attached the original message. Multibyte case is attached in bug 129122, that case causes dataloss.
Thanks, I can see the problem now. ducarroz, when we click reply to the original message attached to this bug (comment #7), the compose window displays correctly (no line break between the word "sound"), but after you send it and view it the word "sound" is broken into two lines between the o and u.
Discussed in Mail News bug meeting. Decided to ADT2 and plus this bug.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: [ADT2]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
nhotta, make a screenshot please.
our suggestion is you backward the insertion point to the "last space" characters (0x20 or tab). In this way it won't conflict with other non ASCII charset. please do not assume you can break at other ASCII code point. Those code points could be used as the 2nd bytes of a multibyte charset. nhotta: please confirm my suggestion is right.
>nhotta: please confirm my suggestion is right. It sounds fine to me. It would reduce the chance of this to happen. For HTML, we likely to have those spaces. There could be cases that a long line with all ideographic characters and no spaces. The current attached example is caused by quoting and will be fixed by bug 129122 (see comment #4).
Blocks: 141008
Using today's debug build on Windows, I am not able to reproduce this problem. Here is what I did: 1) copy the mailbox attached to this bug report into my local mail folder 2) Open the mail3Pane and reply (HTML) to the test message 3) Send the test message (was sent as text/html) 4) Receive the replied message 5) the content looks good for me, here is a extract from it: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CAPTURING AUDIO WITH THE JAVA SOUND API The Java Sound API has been a part of the standard libraries of the Java 2 Platform since the 1.3 release. Found in the javax.sound.sampled package, the Java Sound API provides support for playing and capturing audio. In addition, the library offers a software-based audio mixer and MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) device access. In this tip, you'll learn how to capture audio through the Java Sound API and play it back. Esther, are you still able to reproduce this problem?
IT looks like we put \n after <br> in the quote message now. Is this still an issue ? Nhotta, please close it if this is no longer an issue.
See my comment #14. There is still a chance we receive long lines without CRLF (e.g. by copy/paste). But we can close this as long as we do not have a reproducible test case. Mark as WFM.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
No longer blocks: 141008
Using branch builds 20020520 on winxp, linux, mac 9.1 and mac 10.1, repeating my test as mentioned in comment #9 I don't see the problem anymore. Verified worksforme.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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