Open Bug 1330048 Opened 8 years ago Updated 5 years ago

Add localconfig option to disable features (ignoring the installed state of the modules)


(Bugzilla :: Bugzilla-General, defect)

Not set



Bugzilla 6.0


(Reporter: dylan, Unassigned, Mentored)


This would *probably* entail... Add: { name => 'feature_disable', default => sub { {} } } to Add description as an entry named localconfig_disable_feature => << EOT, ... EOT to and finally: if (Bugzilla->localconfig->{disable_feature}{$feature_name}) { return $cache->{feature}{$feature_name} = 0; } to
Hi! I'd like to work on this. In the strings.txt ( file, everything seems to be in alphabetical order even within localconfig_x except for the last one, `localconfig_apache_size_limit`. Do you still want localconfig_disable_feature added at the end of the `localconfig_x`s or do you want it in alphabetical order after localconfig_diffpath (here:
I'm not totally sure what the description of localconfig_disable_feature should be. Something like "You can disable features, ignoring the installed state of the modules." ?
Flags: needinfo?(dylan)
(In reply to Heather Booker (:hboo) from comment #1) > Hi! I'd like to work on this. > > In the strings.txt > ( > file, everything seems to be in alphabetical order even > within localconfig_x except for the last one, > `localconfig_apache_size_limit`. That was my fault. > Do you still want localconfig_disable_feature added at the end of the > `localconfig_x`s or do you want it in alphabetical order after > localconfig_diffpath (here: > > Alphabetical order is definitely preferred. (In reply to Heather Booker (:hboo) from comment #2) > I'm not totally sure what the description of localconfig_disable_feature > should be. Something like "You can disable features, ignoring the installed > state of the modules." ? I think we can be a bit terse here -- although this makes me realize the documentation should really go into more detail about optional features... I suggest: Optional features are enabled as long as all their required modules are installed. This variable can cause Bugzilla to ignore features, even if modules are detected. For a list of feature names, consult Makefile.PL
Flags: needinfo?(dylan)
Awesome thanks! Pull request sent to Bugzilla on Github:

Removing good-first-bug keyword because team does not have bandwidth to mentor at the moment.

Keywords: good-first-bug
Whiteboard: [good first bug]
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