Closed Bug 1330285 Opened 8 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Netmonitor: clicking Cancel button in Custom Request form hides the sidebar


(DevTools :: Netmonitor, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jsnajdr, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [netmonitor-reserve])

1. Click on some request in Netmonitor; sidebar appears
2. Switch to the Headers tab and click "Edit and Resend" button
3. Custom Request form appears. Click "Cancel"

Custom Request for is closed and UI is navigated back to Headers tab

The whole sidebar is closed

This is a recent regression, caused by one of tabs refactoring patches.
Keywords: regression
Whiteboard: [netmonitor][triage]
Flags: qe-verify?
Thanks for the report but, I can't reproduce the problem. I tried DevEdition and Release channel (Win10, OSX) and the sidebar is always closed when I click the "Cancel" button.

Can anyone else reproduce this issue ?

(In reply to Jan Honza Odvarko [:Honza] from comment #1)
> Thanks for the report but, I can't reproduce the problem. I tried DevEdition
> and Release channel (Win10, OSX) and the sidebar is always closed when I
> click the "Cancel" button.

Hmm, very strange. I would swear that I tried it on an older build before reporting, and the sidebar wasn't closing. But now I need to admit I get the same result as you on Release channel.

The sidebar also closes when I click the "Send" button. In that case, it immediately reopens to display the new request. I've been fixing the "Edit and Resend" feature a few months ago, and used it hundreds of times, so why I didn't notice the bug back then?

Anyway, the bug is not a regression and doesn't need to be a part of the netmonitor.html project, so I'm resetting the flags. I still think it's a bug, though. You can close it if you disagree, of course.
No longer blocks: netmonitor-html
Keywords: regression
Whiteboard: [netmonitor][triage]
So, the entire side bar is always close when I press the Cancel button.

But, now I read the original description again:

Custom Request form is closed and UI is navigated back to Headers tab

... and the previously selected request should be selected again.

So, yes, this is a regresssion and should be fixed.

Priority: -- → P2
Priority: P2 → P3
Whiteboard: [netmonitor-reserve]
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Hi :Honza

Seems like duplicate of Bug 1499390.

I don't think I have permissions to mark bugs not opened by me as duplicate.
Flags: needinfo?(odvarko)
Thanks Heng!

Closed: 6 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(odvarko)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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