Open Bug 1330784 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

OsTicket 1.10 and Firefox Issue since a year


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect, P3)

50 Branch





(Reporter: u534134, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0
Build ID: 20161208153507

Steps to reproduce:

When you are from operator side of the last version of OsTicket available (demo here: and you create a ticket you can try to digit:

"Hi, how are you? 
I AM fine thanks and you? Maybe not. Please provide the issue" than once arrived on issue you try to cancel the letter before the cursor is locked or moved out.

This create errors when operator are writing tickets. Seems this issue is only with Firefox.
Please see more details here:
Seems this issue still present since a year and OsTicket are unable to solve or not yet resolved

Actual results:

Cursor sometimes when you write a ticket with some text and maybe delete also some letter... (you know as when you write fast and make errors and delete letters before) cursor are moved out and start to cancel other text...

There is a Firefox compatibility issue.

Please see:

Seems this issue still present since a year and not yet resolved

Expected results:

Work well as here.... when I write here no issue
Probably an issue with the rich editor provided in the OsTicket template.
Component: Untriaged → Editor
Product: Firefox → Core
Could you create minimal sample to reproduce this?

[backspace] won't work when caret disappear. (It means that when selection.isCollapsed isn't true).
Flags: needinfo?(ocispposta)
Priority: -- → P3
Hi @Makoto,
don't know how help you to reproduce, just write and write a long text very fast so correct also error by deleting and start again to write. The issue is present maybe only in the operator side, do not tested ion visitor ticket side.

You write and sometimes cursor stop to made you write means you write but the cursor is no more on the text.
Flags: needinfo?(ocispposta)
Severity: normal → S3
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