Closed Bug 1335098 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

"media could not be played" error after hitting play/pause a lot of times in Twitter video player


(Web Compatibility :: Site Reports, defect, P1)



(platform-rel +, firefox53 verified, firefox55 verified)

Tracking Status
platform-rel --- +
firefox53 --- verified
firefox55 --- verified


(Reporter: bbouvier, Assigned: drichards)



(Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Twitter])

- go to
- click to play/pause several times in a row in a quick fashion.

At some point, I get a message "the media couldn't be read", although it works fine at the beginning.
Component: Audio/Video → Audio/Video: Playback
platform-rel: --- → ?
Whiteboard: [platform-rel-Twitter]
platform-rel: ? → +
Jean-Yves - can you take a look at this one? It is easy to repro on Windows.
Flags: needinfo?(jyavenard)
I can reproduce the issue in Edge so perhaps it's not a Firefox issue.
Flags: needinfo?(jyavenard)
I can easily repro this error on Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and IE. This is not a browser bug.
Summary: "Media couldn't be read" after hitting play/pause a lot of times in Twitter video player → "media could not be played" error after hitting play/pause a lot of times in Twitter video player
Confirmed that this is a Twitter bug not a browser specific bug. Thanks for the report, we're testing a fix at the moment.
¡Hola drichards!

Any news on the fix?

This just bite me on Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0 ID:20170425030221 CSet: a30dc237c3a600a5231f2974fc2b85dfb5513414

Assignee: nobody → drichards
Flags: needinfo?(drichards)
The current ETA on the fix is this Thursday 4/27.
Flags: needinfo?(drichards)
The fix for this has been release.
Thanks! The video works correctly for me in Firefox 53 and Nightly 55.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reclassifying as Tech Evang rather than as a Firefox/Gecko bug, per comment 3 - comment 7.

(I'm glad it's been fixed!)
Component: Audio/Video: Playback → Desktop
Product: Core → Tech Evangelism
Product: Tech Evangelism → Web Compatibility
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