Closed Bug 1338755 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Intermittent PROCESS-CRASH | Main app process exited normally | application crashed [@ mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleChild::RecvParentCOMProxy(mozilla::mscom::COMPtrHolder<IAccessible,&_GUID const IID_IAccessible> const &,unsigned __int64 const &,mozilla:


(Core :: Disability Access APIs, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox52 --- unaffected
firefox53 --- unaffected
firefox54 --- fixed


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: tbsaunde)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure, Whiteboard: [stockwell fixed])


(5 files, 2 obsolete files)

Filed by: philringnalda [at] Had you left me any summary room with a decent-sized crashing frame, I would have mentioned "after Assertion failure: !mParentProxy && !aParentCOMProxy.IsNull()".
so this is the same basic issue as bug 1337983 accept what happens when we remove that assert. So it should get fixed soon as part of dealing with the real issue there.
Summary: Intermittent Main app process exited normally | application crashed [@ mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleChild::RecvParentCOMProxy(mozilla::mscom::COMPtrHolder<IAccessible,&_GUID const IID_IAccessible> const &,unsigned __int64 const &,mozilla::mscom::COMPtrHo → Intermittent PROCESS-CRASH | Main app process exited normally | application crashed [@ mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleChild::RecvParentCOMProxy(mozilla::mscom::COMPtrHolder<IAccessible,&_GUID const IID_IAccessible> const &,unsigned __int64 const &,mozilla:
sending the emulated window information is basically unrelated to sending the parent COM proxy to the child process, and in the future it will be useful to send these at different times.
Attachment #8837779 - Flags: review?(yzenevich)
Attached patch split up SetCOMProxy() (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #8837781 - Flags: review?(yzenevich)
Attachment #8837779 - Flags: review?(yzenevich) → review+
Comment on attachment 8837780 [details] [diff] [review] split parts of SetCOMProxy() out to MybeInitWindowEmulation() Review of attachment 8837780 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::: dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp @@ +961,5 @@ > > doc->SetTopLevel(); > a11y::DocManager::RemoteDocAdded(doc); > #ifdef XP_WIN > + doc->MaybeInitWindowEmulation(); As far as I remember, setting emulation should happen after the COM proxy is set. The reason is that we sometimes calculate bounds for the proxy ( and for that we need the COM proxy set (
Trevor, see comment 7
Flags: needinfo?(tbsaunde+mozbugs)
(In reply to Yura Zenevich [:yzen] from comment #7) > Comment on attachment 8837780 [details] [diff] [review] > split parts of SetCOMProxy() out to MybeInitWindowEmulation() > > Review of attachment 8837780 [details] [diff] [review]: > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > ::: dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp > @@ +961,5 @@ > > > > doc->SetTopLevel(); > > a11y::DocManager::RemoteDocAdded(doc); > > #ifdef XP_WIN > > + doc->MaybeInitWindowEmulation(); > > As far as I remember, setting emulation should happen after the COM proxy is > set. The reason is that we sometimes calculate bounds for the proxy > ( > DocAccessibleParent.cpp#556) and for that we need the COM proxy set > ( > ProxyAccessible.cpp#210) erg yeah, that's my bad. Shouldn't be hard to fix but I need to go rearrange this series of patches.
Flags: needinfo?(tbsaunde+mozbugs)
Attachment #8837780 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8837780 - Flags: review?(yzenevich)
Attachment #8838205 - Flags: review?(yzenevich)
Attachment #8837781 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8837781 - Flags: review?(yzenevich)
Comment on attachment 8838200 [details] [diff] [review] split parts of SetCOMProxy() out to MaybeInitWindowEmulation() Review of attachment 8838200 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- looks good, 1 nit and 1 question ::: accessible/ipc/DocAccessibleParent.cpp @@ +559,5 @@ > + nsIntRect rootRect = rootDocument->Bounds(); > + rect.x = rootRect.x - rect.x; > + rect.y -= rootRect.y; > + > + auto tab = static_cast<dom::TabParent*>(Manager()); would we need to bail if tab is destroyed? @@ +579,5 @@ > + IID_IAccessible, > + (void**)&rawHWNDAcc))) { > + hWndAccHolder.Set(IAccessibleHolder::COMPtrType(rawHWNDAcc)); > + } > + } nit: extra white space before }
Attachment #8838200 - Flags: review?(yzenevich) → review+
Comment on attachment 8838205 [details] [diff] [review] split up SetCOMProxy() Review of attachment 8838205 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- looks good
Attachment #8838205 - Flags: review?(yzenevich) → review+
Attachment #8837782 - Flags: review?(yzenevich) → review+
Attachment #8837783 - Flags: review?(yzenevich) → review+
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla54
(In reply to Yura Zenevich [:yzen] from comment #14) > Comment on attachment 8838200 [details] [diff] [review] > split parts of SetCOMProxy() out to MaybeInitWindowEmulation() > > Review of attachment 8838200 [details] [diff] [review]: > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > looks good, 1 nit and 1 question > > @@ +559,5 @@ > > + nsIntRect rootRect = rootDocument->Bounds(); > > + rect.x = rootRect.x - rect.x; > > + rect.y -= rootRect.y; > > + > > + auto tab = static_cast<dom::TabParent*>(Manager()); > > would we need to bail if tab is destroyed? no, the code that does that is non redundant see what happens in RecvPDocAccessibleConstructor()
Pushed by split parts of SetCOMProxy() out to MaybeInitWindowEmulation() r=yzen split up SetCOMProxy() r=yzen make RemoteChildDoc() return a DocAccessibleParent* r=yzen send a tab's parent proxy when it may have changed r=yzen
Assignee: nobody → tbsaunde+mozbugs
Whiteboard: [stockwell fixed]
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