Closed Bug 1342106 Opened 8 years ago Closed 7 years ago

stylo: Assertion failure: pseudoContext (should have taken the ReconstructFrame path above), at ServoRestyleManager.cpp:250


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, defect, P3)






(Reporter: cbook, Unassigned)




(Keywords: assertion)

found via bughunter topsite tests and reproduced via latest stylo build from tinderbox

Steps to reproduce:
--> Load
---> Assertion failure 

WARN:geckoservo::glue: Resolving style on unstyled element with lazy computation forbidden.
Assertion failure: pseudoContext (should have taken the ReconstructFrame path above), at /home/worker/workspace/build/src/layout/base/ServoRestyleManager.cpp:250
another site where bughunter running into this is also
After my fix to animation parsing, this appears in layout/reftests/bugs/367220-1.html as well. I have no idea why.
So this means that, while restyling an element, its ::before pseudo disappeared (there are no rules matching for it), yet we didn't get a ReconstructFrame hint?

Xidorn, can you reproduce with the patch over bug 1344104 applied?
(In reply to Emilio Cobos Álvarez [:emilio] from comment #3)
> Xidorn, can you reproduce with the patch over bug 1344104 applied?

Yes, I can still reproduce it with that patch.
I'm fixing up this kind of pseudo stuff in bug 1331047 (which is taking forever to finish, but slowly making progress). If that's the only test that fails with your animation changes, feel free to disable the test, and file a bug dependent on bug 1331047.
No longer blocks: stylo-nightly
Component: Layout → CSS Parsing and Computation
Depends on: 1331047
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: Assertion failure: pseudoContext (should have taken the ReconstructFrame path above), at ServoRestyleManager.cpp:250 → stylo: Assertion failure: pseudoContext (should have taken the ReconstructFrame path above), at ServoRestyleManager.cpp:250
This seems to work now.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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