Closed Bug 1343132 Opened 8 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Review process improvements and moving to post-review


(Firefox :: Extension Compatibility, defect, P1)




Tracking Status
firefox54 --- affected


(Reporter: shell, Unassigned)



(Keywords: stale-bug, Whiteboard: triaged)

There are several changes needed to makes sure the review queues are kept small and responsive.
Depends on: 1190335
As all of the code and related issues (bugs) live in github, I think it makes sense to close this bug and move it over to github as well.

Shell, what do you think?
Flags: needinfo?(sescalante)
We're not specifically tracking the technical work, more all the logistic portions of getting to 57... you don't need to follow any of this unless you are needinfo'd (so will get an email).  don't want folks thinking they need to track work in 2 places.

github is where all technical issues are happening - this is more a work tracking to make sure all moving parts come together for amy, myself, docs, external projects.  we'll create bugs in github for any of the technical work.
Flags: needinfo?(sescalante)
Blocks: 1346460
No longer blocks: 1335456
Summary: [meta] Review Queue modernization → [meta] Review process improvements and moving to post-review
Summary: [meta] Review process improvements and moving to post-review → Review process improvements and moving to post-review
This is still ongoing...what do you suggest we do with this?
I don't see a reason to keep this open. Post-review should ship soon and I don't think there's any additional tracking needed.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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