Closed Bug 1347219 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Enable Pontoon for Firefox Screenshots system add-on (excluding website)


(Localization Infrastructure and Tools :: Administration / Setup, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jhirsch, Assigned: flod)



This bug covers localization of just the strings that will ship in the Page Shot system addon. We'll handle the website in a separate bug.

Answering the questions listed on the Implementing Pontoon MDN page[1]:

- Project name: Page Shot (the name is not final)

- Repository URL:

- List of requested locales: I believe we want all the locales, since this will be shipping in Firefox as a system addon.

- Website URL: The website isn't yet localized, and the final domain name choice is blocked on the unresolved naming choice.

Completely missed this bug (was looking at bug 1344898).

I have a few questions:
* Is the website going to live in the same repository, or a separate one?

* Are the strings stable and ready to be exposed? For example you're talking about the name not being final. If that's the case, I'm not sure it makes sense to expose them now.

* Once finalized, can the name be localized or transliterated?

* Do you prefer localization to commit in a separate repository for l10n (like Activity Stream), commit to master (like Test Pilot), or commit to a specific branch (like Snooze Tabs)?

Personally I'd prefer the l10n separate repository, so localizers can commit directly if they prefer to.
Assignee: nobody → francesco.lodolo
Blocks: 1344898
Flags: needinfo?(6a68)
Flags: needinfo?(6a68)
Summary: Enable Pontoon for Page Shot add-on (excluding website) → Enable Pontoon for Firefox Screenshots system add-on (excluding website)
Hi Francesco,

> * Is the website going to live in the same repository, or a separate one?

The same repository, although now we are likely to rename that repository.

> * Are the strings stable and ready to be exposed? For example you're talking about the name not being final. If that's the case, I'm not sure it makes sense to expose them now.

We just got a final name, and product is working on getting final approval for the addon strings right now. I can needinfo you when those are finalized, should be later this week.

Note that we've been planning to delay extracting the strings for the website, because the 54 uplift deadline is fast approaching. The website strings would be a separate properties file in the same repo.

> * Once finalized, can the name be localized or transliterated?

Good question, and still an open question. ni? jgruen to update this bug once the question is settled.

> * Do you prefer localization to commit in a separate repository for l10n (like Activity Stream), commit to master (like Test Pilot), or commit to a specific branch (like Snooze Tabs)?

I've already got it wired up to work like Test Pilot, with mozilla-pontoon pushing to master. I'd prefer to just leave it as-is, since the work is done.
Flags: needinfo?(jgruen)
Targeting next week for final strings, per John in a meeting earlier today.

The renaming is going to happen immediately as well.

I'll ni? :flod when both those blockers are cleared.
Flags: needinfo?(jgruen)
Hi :flod, The final strings have landed in the repo and we're ready for localizers to get to work.


A few additional final updates to close out this bug:

- Final project name: Firefox Screenshots 

- Updated Repository URL:

Addressing the earlier question:

> * Once finalized, can the name be localized or transliterated?

:Flod had the great idea to ask our localizers if we should translate the product name or not, and the results seemed pretty evenly split for and against translating. Product decided (1) not to translate the product name, and also (2) to replace 'Firefox Screenshots' with the localizable 'screenshots' wherever possible. This mirrors the approach taken with Firefox Accounts.
Flags: needinfo?(francesco.lodolo)
Tested integration with Pontoon and it works as expected

I should be able to set it on production tomorrow, and send out a communication to localizers. Leaving the NI open until that's done.
Side question in the meantime: is there going to be a way to test the add-on, without building it from source (e.g. dev builds)?

Do we have an official short description of this project that I can re-use in the project's info on Pontoon?
Flags: needinfo?(ohai)
> Side question in the meantime: is there going to be a way to test the add-on, without building it from source (e.g. dev builds)?

You can install a dev build from this URL:

I'm not sure if the dev URL might change to reflect the new name. If it does, I'll update the URL in this bug.

> Do we have an official short description of this project that I can re-use in the project's info on Pontoon?

How about: "Take clips and screenshots from the Web and save them temporarily or permanently"? This is the addon description string, which has had lots of product scrutiny. Feel free to tweak as you see fit.
Flags: needinfo?(ohai)
Project is enabled

How often is the test add-on updated?
Flags: needinfo?(francesco.lodolo)
I believe the test add-on should be updated whenever we push to dev. ni? Ian to make sure that happens with each push to master.
Flags: needinfo?(ianb)
We are updating the dev site ( on an ad hoc basis.  Since ops is revisiting the deployment I'll use this as a chance to get per-commit deployment going; I've filed [#2521]( for this.

I updated this morning and I'll try to manually update regularly as these translations are coming in:

To see what's installed at any moment there's – there's also an unincludedCommits key there that gives a link to the commits that aren't yet deployed (e.g., right now:
Flags: needinfo?(ianb)
Localization has started, Pontoon is enabled. Closing.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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